Title: XV AntiKnight VX
Type: Sudoku
Link: Penpa+ link to XV AntiKnight VX Sudoku You may use Normal/Large/Medium/Small Blue, Green, or Red numbers in any combination.
Link: F-puzzles link to XV AntiKnight VX Sudoku
Variants: XV, Modified VX, AntiKnight, Quadruple Cell
1) Normal Sudoku
3) AntiKnight
4) Quadruple
Examples (0 for Penpa+, 9 for f-puzzles):
ROW 2--Six multiplied by five equals thirty (6 X 5 3 0/9).
ROW 3--Five summed with zero equals five (5 V 0/9).
ROW 4--Three summed with two equals five, also two multiplied by four equals eight (3 V 2 X 4 8).
COLUMN 1--Six is greater than five, also five is greater than three (6 V 5 V 3).
COLUMN 2--Five is greater than zero but also five summed with zero equals zero (5 V 0/9).
COLUMN 3--Two multiplied by three equals six, also six summed with four equals ten (2 X 3 6 X 4).
COLUMN 4--Seven is greater zero, also two summed with eight equals ten (7 V 0 2 X 8)
Solution code: Please enter the 18 digits with no spaces for column 1 from top to bottom and row 8 from left to right. If you solved the problem using f-puzzle, please replace the 9's with 0's
on 30. April 2021, 20:12 by Zombie Hunter
Filto, thank you. I tried to make an easier one to give people more experience with the ruleset. Glad you liked it.
on 30. April 2021, 20:01 by Filto
It was indeed a bit easier than the two last puzzles, the break in was interesting! After that it was basic sudoku with few steps requiring your special rules
on 30. April 2021, 19:08 by Zombie Hunter
Sorry glum_hippo. When I read the help pages about publishing, it said one puzzle a day. I have a little time before a big project so I wanted to get a set of XV ? VX out there while I had time. I have never set a puzzle before until 4 days ago and I guess I got carried away. Your diamond XY Sudoku was great.
on 30. April 2021, 16:34 by glum_hippo
I have started working on the Sandwich puzzle, but did not get very far yet. Please don't see it as a reflection on the quality or potential popularity of your work. Also, to cdwg's point, there's kind of an unwritten guideline of posting no more than a puzzle a week. No one really enforces that though, but it's maybe a helpful benchmark. (and cdwg can be thought of as the very last person to admonish people for posting too much! Then again he/she is posting on behalf of numerous setters... anyway, let's not overthink it!)
on 30. April 2021, 16:20 by SKORP17
also sie mögen unpopulär sein, aber die Schwierigkeit ist wohl auch höher als geschätzt
Vielen Dank für Ihr Feedback. Was würden Sie die Schwierigkeit dieses Puzzles bestimmen? ~ZH
on 30. April 2021, 13:05 by Zombie Hunter
Good idea. My wife wants me to spend more time with her anyway.
I do not think I will get too many more solvers. My puzzles seem unpopular.
on 30. April 2021, 13:00 by cdwg2000
You can stop appropriately and wait until you have enough solvers for the previous problems before you release the next problem!!!