Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

XV AntiKnight VX

(Published on 30. April 2021, 10:44 by Zombie Hunter)

Title: XV AntiKnight VX
Type: Sudoku
Link: Penpa+ link to XV AntiKnight VX Sudoku You may use Normal/Large/Medium/Small Blue, Green, or Red numbers in any combination.
Link: F-puzzles link to XV AntiKnight VX Sudoku
Variants: XV, Modified VX, AntiKnight, Quadruple Cell

1) Normal Sudoku

  • 1.1) Place the digits 0 through 8 once each in every row, column, and box.
  • 1.2) When using f-puzzle, the 9 digit represents a zero. Treat the 9 as if the value is zero in all aspects of the puzzle (including mathematical operations and inequalities).
  • 1.3) 36 is the secret number.

2) XV and modified VX
  • 2.1) An X either sums or multiplies two adjacent cells (being simultaneously a sum and a multiplication is permitted).
    • a) When X acts as a sum, the two cells sum to 10.
    • b) When X acts as a multiplication sign, the two cells are multiplied together with their product immediately following to the right for rows or downward for columns. Multiplications cannot have a leading zero. e.g. 4 X 8 0 3 2 is not permitted, but 4 X 5 2 0 is permitted.
      • i) Not all sums of 10 are given.
      • ii) Not all multiplications are given.
  • 2.2) A V either sums or represents an inequality between two adjacent cells (being simultaneously a sum and an inequality is permitted).
    • a) When V acts as a sum, the two cells sum to 5.
    • b) When V acts as an inequality, the one cell is greater than the other in the direction of the V.
      • i) Not all sums of 5 are given.
      • ii) Not all inequalities are given.
  • 2.3) Some cells are marked with a question mark. These cells are either an X or a V.

3) AntiKnight

  • Cells that are a chess knights move apart must not contain the same number.

4) Quadruple

  • Each of the numbers in a quadruple constraint must appear in one of the four surrounding cells. Digits may repeat if allowed by the rules of Sudoku.

Examples (0 for Penpa+, 9 for f-puzzles):
ROW 2--Six multiplied by five equals thirty (6 X 5 3 0/9).
ROW 3--Five summed with zero equals five (5 V 0/9).
ROW 4--Three summed with two equals five, also two multiplied by four equals eight (3 V 2 X 4 8).
COLUMN 1--Six is greater than five, also five is greater than three (6 V 5 V 3).
COLUMN 2--Five is greater than zero but also five summed with zero equals zero (5 V 0/9).
COLUMN 3--Two multiplied by three equals six, also six summed with four equals ten (2 X 3 6 X 4).
COLUMN 4--Seven is greater zero, also two summed with eight equals ten (7 V 0 2 X 8)

Solution code: Please enter the 18 digits with no spaces for column 1 from top to bottom and row 8 from left to right. If you solved the problem using f-puzzle, please replace the 9's with 0's

Last changed on on 15. October 2022, 01:55

Solved by Filto, djorr, kaitoJD
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on 30. April 2021, 20:12 by Zombie Hunter
Filto, thank you. I tried to make an easier one to give people more experience with the ruleset. Glad you liked it.

on 30. April 2021, 20:01 by Filto
It was indeed a bit easier than the two last puzzles, the break in was interesting! After that it was basic sudoku with few steps requiring your special rules

Last changed on 30. April 2021, 19:23

on 30. April 2021, 19:08 by Zombie Hunter
Sorry glum_hippo. When I read the help pages about publishing, it said one puzzle a day. I have a little time before a big project so I wanted to get a set of XV ? VX out there while I had time. I have never set a puzzle before until 4 days ago and I guess I got carried away. Your diamond XY Sudoku was great.

Last changed on 30. April 2021, 17:38

on 30. April 2021, 16:34 by glum_hippo
I have started working on the Sandwich puzzle, but did not get very far yet. Please don't see it as a reflection on the quality or potential popularity of your work. Also, to cdwg's point, there's kind of an unwritten guideline of posting no more than a puzzle a week. No one really enforces that though, but it's maybe a helpful benchmark. (and cdwg can be thought of as the very last person to admonish people for posting too much! Then again he/she is posting on behalf of numerous setters... anyway, let's not overthink it!)

Last changed on 6. June 2021, 08:21

on 30. April 2021, 16:20 by SKORP17
also sie mögen unpopulär sein, aber die Schwierigkeit ist wohl auch höher als geschätzt


Vielen Dank für Ihr Feedback. Was würden Sie die Schwierigkeit dieses Puzzles bestimmen? ~ZH

Last changed on 30. April 2021, 13:06

on 30. April 2021, 13:05 by Zombie Hunter
Good idea. My wife wants me to spend more time with her anyway.

I do not think I will get too many more solvers. My puzzles seem unpopular.

on 30. April 2021, 13:00 by cdwg2000
You can stop appropriately and wait until you have enough solvers for the previous problems before you release the next problem!!!

Solved:3 times
Observed:13 times

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