Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Palindrome Party!

(Published on 30. April 2021, 02:30 by Crystal Phoenix)

The palindromes are having a costume party! Some came dressed as killer cages and some as arrows. One tried to disguise itself as a little killer clue, but couldn't quite pull it off. They invited their friends, the main diagonals, but the diagonals decided to skip the costumes and come as themselves.


Normal sudoku rules apply.

Digits may not repeat along the two main diagonals.


~Gray lines are palindromes: a series of digits that reads the same forwards and backwards. For example: 12321.

~Digits along arrows (not including the circle) are also palindromes, and must sum to the digit in the circle.

~Digits inside cages also form palindromes and thus digits MUST be repeated inside cages. The digits inside the cage must sum to the number in the top left corner of the cage.

~The number outside the grid is the sum of the palindrome that starts in cell R4C1; NOT the diagonal it points at.

f-puzzles link

Solution code:

The 9th row followed by the 9th column.

Last changed on on 30. April 2021, 02:32

Solved by panthchesh, Darkgrumly, parkinson, apendleton, LeLoyJenkins, Julianl, beesquestionmark, karen_birgitta, JohnDoeJersey, rayn, OhHeyGuysItsMax, zlotnleo, ashwin, ParaNox, alaynacrisp, lovely, geronimo92, le bonhomme, Crul, arteful, zorant, zeuntol, apwelho, finger
Full list


on 11. August 2021, 00:06 by uvo_mod
Label Online-Solving-Tool ergänzt, außerdem Variantenkombination statt Rätselvariante.

Last changed on 30. April 2021, 22:07

on 30. April 2021, 17:49 by beesquestionmark
Really fun concept. Very enjoyable solve. Thanks!
[CP]Thanks for the comment; it was fun to create as well. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Last changed on 30. April 2021, 14:54

on 30. April 2021, 06:29 by Darkgrumly
Improved f-puzzles link:
[CP] Then there's no little killer disguise! :)

Last changed on 30. April 2021, 14:50

on 30. April 2021, 05:09 by panthchesh
Thanks for the puzzle! That was fun :)
[CP] I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks!

on 30. April 2021, 02:32 by Crystal Phoenix
Added f-puzzles link.

Rating:95 %
Solved:24 times
Observed:10 times

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