Title: XV Arrows VX
Type: Sudoku
Link: Penpa+ link to XV Arrows VX Sudoku You may use Normal/Large/Medium/Small Blue, Green, or Red numbers in any combination
Link: F-puzzles link to XV Arrows VX Sudoku
Link: CTC App link to XV Arrows VX Sudoku
Variants: XV, Modified VX, Arrows, Minimum Cell
1) Normal Sudoku
3) Arrows
4) Minimum
5) Notes
Examples (0 for Penpa+, 9 for f-puzzles):
ROW 2--Six multiplied by five equals thirty (6 X 5 3 0/9).
ROW 3--Five summed with zero equals five (5 V 0/9).
ROW 4--Three summed with two equals five, also two multiplied by four equals eight (3 V 2 X 4 8).
COLUMN 1--Six is greater than five, also five is greater than three (6 V 5 V 3).
COLUMN 2--Five is greater than zero but also five summed with zero equals zero (5 V 0/9).
COLUMN 3--Two multiplied by three equals six, also six summed with four equals ten (2 X 3 6 X 4).
COLUMN 4--Seven is greater zero, also two summed with eight equals ten (7 V 0 2 X 8)
Solution code: Please enter the digits of Column 5 from top to bottom and Row 8 from left to right without spaces. If you solved the puzzle using f-puzzle, please replace any 9's with 0's.
on 14. March 2023, 22:47 by Zombie Hunter
added CTC link
on 10. June 2021, 10:48 by Aspartagcus
Nice puzzle!
I like the ambiguity that comes from the fact that X could be multiplication and V could be greater than. :)
Unfortunate that it leads to a wall of text to get through to start the puzzle, but it is quite easy to use while solving. I'll check out some of your other puzzles as well!
I appreciate the solve and the feedback. I look forward to seeing your next puzzle also. ~ZH
on 18. May 2021, 15:34 by PrimeWeasel
I really like the idea of having XVs possibly being inequalities or multiplications. I feel like it should be easier though, cause my solve got very messy. Still, fun puzzle, that should have more solves.
PrimeWeasel, thank you for the kind words and testing. This puzzle requires all of the clues to be considered at the same time for the solve to go smoothly. Huge gratitude for saving the series. Looking forward to solving all of your Earthquakes. ~ZH
on 17. May 2021, 09:56 by Zombie Hunter
Thanks to @PrimeWeasel for finding a flaw that has since been fixed.
on 13. May 2021, 18:25 by BMEP
very nice puzzle! really liked this one! really well constructed! Thanks for the suggestion! :)
No, thank you for the solve. Look forward to solving more of your puzzles also. ~ZH
on 9. May 2021, 09:36 by Zombie Hunter
Added Penpa-Plus so now entering a 0 is possible. Rules were clarified to reflect this.
on 29. April 2021, 23:00 by Filto
The solve is indeed logical and not too hard, but for me the difficulty comes from the rules, especially the 9 being 0 ^^
on 29. April 2021, 22:04 by Zombie Hunter
Filto, I am well pleased that you solved it. I am glad you liked it. Would you consider it a logical solve and what about the difficulty?
on 29. April 2021, 22:02 by Filto
Nice puzzle! Everything went better when I remembered that 19 = 10...
on 29. April 2021, 20:14 by Zombie Hunter
Filto, Your assumptions and arrows are correct.
on 29. April 2021, 17:15 by Jade_pv
Oh my lord, i get it, I wasn't considering that the product could be 2 cells long. Thanks and sorry. I'm shocked that it didn't cross my mind. :)