Solution code: Row 8 and column 2 (18 digits, no spaces/commas)
on 10. August 2021, 16:10 by uvo_mod
Label Online-Solving-Tool ergänzt, außerdem Variantenkombination statt Rätselvariante.
on 5. May 2021, 20:04 by cristophermoore
Thanks! The break-in is totally beautiful but I found the midgame quite challenging (in a good way!)
on 5. May 2021, 09:28 by cristophermoore
This took me quite a lot of work. I think there was some logic that I missed, but I managed to get through it :-)
@If you want to discuss the logic, you can contact me through Discord!
on 29. April 2021, 18:17 by glum_hippo
A very nice puzzle with (for me) new insights into German Whispers. I've always suspected that this constraint has unexplored implications
on 29. April 2021, 16:29 by emmettcito
Very nice! The ending was difficult for me