Solution code: row 5 and column 4 (18 digits)
on 8. August 2021, 15:30 by uvo_mod
Labels ergänzt: Online Solving Tool, Variantenkombination statt Standardrätsel.
on 25. April 2021, 20:09 by Johannes Quack
Originelles Rätsel, vielen Dank!
@Johannes Quack Bitteschön.
on 25. April 2021, 16:42 by SKORP17
5 Sterne sind übertrieben
on 25. April 2021, 16:24 by cdwg2000
on 25. April 2021, 11:59 by marcmees
very nice although considered <4*. thanks.
on 25. April 2021, 10:10 by SirWoezel
I remember testing this one for you a month or so ago. Luckily I still knew about the hardest logic, but solving it a second time this was still a pretty difficult puzzle!
on 25. April 2021, 09:20 by Tilberg
Oh Mann, das war ein ordentliches Zahlenjonglieren! Aber paßte alles gut zusammen und der Einsatz der Diagonalen war eine Augenweide. Danke, Ichtues!
Oh boy, that was quite some number juggling! But it all fit well together, and the way the diagonal constraint played its part, was a real treat. Thanks, I-do-it!
Danke für das Lösen und dass es Spass gemacht hat.