1) Normal Sudoku Rules Apply.
2) Standard Thermometer Rules Apply. Digits strictly increase along a thermometer starting from the bulb end.
3) Standard Palindrome Rules Apply. Red lines in the grid form palindromes, meaning they must read the same forward and backward.
4) Standard Diagonal Rules Apply. Digits along the marked diagonal may not repeat.
This is my best sudoku so far, and I am extremely proud of it!
Solution code: Column 2, Row 8
on 6. February 2024, 10:47 by Krokant
Fantastic puzzle. :)
on 8. July 2022, 13:33 by Vebby
on 8. August 2021, 12:26 by uvo_mod
Labels ergänzt.
on 20. May 2021, 13:46 by Piatato
Wow! Excellent puzzle! Lots of really neat logic! :-)
on 25. April 2021, 18:54 by Ragna
Huiii, das war kniffelig!
Ich bin froh, dass Sie es herausfordernd fanden, und ich hoffe, Ihnen hat die Lösung gefallen!
on 24. April 2021, 12:13 by emmettcito
on 24. April 2021, 11:36 by cdwg2000
Very nice!
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
on 24. April 2021, 10:33 by Aaronomys
Added Rules to the F-Puzzles link.