Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Zeroth Law of Chromodynamics

(Published on 26. April 2021, 13:08 by twototenth)

Standard irregular Sudoku rules - each row, column, and 9-cell region must contain the digits 1-9. Diagonal constraint applies - each main diagonal of the puzzle must include the digits 1-9. Standard thermometer rules - digits on thermometers must increase from the bulb to the tip.

This format is wildly different than anything I've done before, so any feedback would be much appreciated.

F-puzzles link: Link to solve online

Solution code: Row 9 followed by Column 9, no spaces

Solved by glum_hippo, panthchesh, ranhothchord, gigglingCaduceus, ogi.djukovic, Cowbear, JohnDoeJersey, thetiredsaint, Art Vendelay, ullala, PseudoCoup, dyutin, amirbeirat, cam, Strosahl, qnz, zer0keefie, ... zhergan, Vebby, Jdt112, Mikemerin, OGRussHood, MontanaPearl, Megalobrainiac, dtoto, SXH, by81996672, Tacosian, humaLautema, apwelho, tess, wand, misko, Krokant, Sewerin, etoler, gxorgx, hrhgln
Full list


on 8. August 2021, 12:20 by uvo_mod
Label "Online Solving Tool" ergänzt, außerdem Variantenkombination statt Rätselvariante.

on 22. May 2021, 05:22 by theParad0x
Absolutely incredible!! Well done

on 29. April 2021, 15:38 by marcmees
well constructed. thanks.

on 27. April 2021, 22:54 by cam
Great puzzle! Very well executed :)

on 27. April 2021, 19:45 by PseudoCoup
Wow, brilliant puzzle. More time consuming than hard, but enjoyable to figure out step by step. Well done!

on 27. April 2021, 19:03 by PseudoCoup
Wow, brilliant puzzle. More time consuming than hard, but enjoyable to figure out step by step. Well done!

on 26. April 2021, 22:06 by Cowbear
Very nice. Challenging, but at no point did I feel completely stuck. Great use of thermos as part of solve and not just to sort out numbers at the finish.

on 26. April 2021, 18:31 by panthchesh
Thanks for the puzzle! That was fun! :)

on 26. April 2021, 17:12 by glum_hippo
Nice use of geometry, some very tricky deductions before it finally came together.

Rating:97 %
Solved:89 times
Observed:6 times

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