Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

My cup of tea - arrow/killer sudoku

(Published on 23. April 2021, 22:07 by Mr.Menace)

- Normal Sudoku rules apply.

- Killer sudoku rules apply, where digits sum to the given cage total, and digits may not repeat in a cage.

- Arrow sudoku rules apply, where digits on an arrow sum to the digit in the bulb attached. Digits may repeat on an arrow if other rules allow this.

F-puzzles link here.

Good luck solving!

Solution code: 5th row and 5th column

Last changed on on 23. April 2021, 23:30

Solved by abed hawila, SKORP17, ranhothchord, cfop, Tyrgannus, ogi.djukovic, Tilberg, Ragna, SirWoezel, Qodec, tenaliraman, PixelPlucker, henter, cdwg2000, antiknight, ismail, polar, zorant, minus2ev, Lisztes, galgamer, tallcat, wenchang, bflat, NikolaZ, Phistomefel, tinounou, koba1917, StefanSch, SirJefferE, misko, h5663454, Sliark, apwelho, AvonD
Full list


on 8. August 2021, 12:11 by uvo_mod
Label "Online Solving Tool" ergänzt, außerdem Variantenkombination statt Rätselkombination.

on 30. April 2021, 23:56 by tallcat
What a lovely puzzle! Very elegant. Not straightforward but delightful

on 25. April 2021, 14:54 by PixelPlucker
Very pleasant solve!

on 24. April 2021, 06:32 by Tyrgannus

on 23. April 2021, 23:30 by Mr.Menace
Increased difficulty from 3 to 4

on 23. April 2021, 22:22 by abed hawila
Excellent puzzle! I liked the interaction between the arrows and cages.

Rating:96 %
Solved:35 times
Observed:7 times

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