Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Chalice (Anti-knight, Thermo)

(Published on 23. April 2021, 19:21 by emmettcito)

This puzzle is an application of an idea I have had for quite awhile, which led to a very interesting solve path. Enjoy!

Rules: all standard sudoku rules apply. Digits on thermometers are strictly increasing from the bulb to the tip. Digits a chess knight's move apart cannot contain identical digits.

This puzzle is also available on f-puzzles

Solution code: Rows 1 and 9

Solved by Phistomefel, Krokant, Cane_Puzzles, dilsexicparrot, Jesper, Konzert, antiknight, Julianl, ParaNox, jshaham, morgannamodeaura, Playmaker6174, Boondiggle, polar, harrison, mlkj, soroush, qnz, ManuH, ... cfop, SKORP17, ocular, StefanSch, cdwg2000, zorant, LadyRuatha, avahales, Vebby, Niverio, by81996672, Bobbobert, h5663454, Tom-dz, SXH, Sewerin, dennischen, valle1124, forsen, wang, gxorgx
Full list


on 3. August 2022, 15:34 by Niverio
Very difficult mid-solve.

on 7. December 2021, 14:57 by cdwg2000
Very nice!

on 8. August 2021, 11:56 by uvo_mod
Label "Online Solving Tool" ergänzt, außerdem Variantenkombination statt Rätselvariante.

on 28. April 2021, 03:50 by soroush
Brutal midsolve! Really enjoyable though

on 26. April 2021, 22:25 by Playmaker6174
This puzzle is a whole ride in terms of emotion for me, beautiful setting and also not straight forward at all. I was slow in the middle but still I enjoyed it very much :)

on 24. April 2021, 00:08 by Krokant
You've got one shiny chalice here. A very nice solve indeed. :)

Last changed on 23. April 2021, 23:51

on 23. April 2021, 22:42 by Phistomefel
I really enjoyed solving this puzzle. Excellent job setting this one, emmettcito! Thank you!

—Thank you Phistomefel, I’m glad you enjoyed. Since you solved this so early I also have to thank you for testing the puzzle, which I very much appreciate. :)

Rating:92 %
Solved:46 times
Observed:9 times

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