Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

El Carim

(Published on 23. April 2021, 14:14 by ranhothchord)

I wanted to make a 'miracle' sudoku using a palindrome as the starting point, so I did :)

Regular Sudoku rules (1-9 in each row, column, and 3x3 box)

+ Anti-Knight (Cells that are a chess knight's move apart must not contain the same digit)

+ Anti-King (Cells that are a chess king's move apart must not contain the same digit)

+ Nonconsecutive (Orthogonally adjacent cells must not contain consecutive digits)

+ Palindrome (Grey palindrome lines read the same sequence of digits in both directions)

+ Little Killer (The digits along the indicated diagonals must sum to the given totals)

Link: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=ye47qdeu

Solution code: Rows 1, 9 [18 digits]

Last changed on on 23. April 2021, 20:01

Solved by skywalker, Julianl, TimE, kublai, henter, LeLoyJenkins, saskia-daniela, MB_Cyclist, Vyse, cfop, Johannes Quack, apendleton, PotatoHead21, SudokuExplorer, Aaronomys, savaro, ManuH, pdabraham, kalumtum, ecavalli, soroush, NikolaZ, alaynacrisp, mlkj, SKORP17, hibye1217, cdwg2000, zorant, avahales, KatiBru, apwelho, zhergan, finger, m_busuttil
Full list


on 8. August 2021, 11:45 by uvo_mod
Labels ergänzt.

on 24. April 2021, 13:36 by Aaronomys
Tricky miracle! Good work!

on 23. April 2021, 22:33 by PotatoHead21
never mind I mistakenly assumed that one of the colors couldn't go in a certain position

on 23. April 2021, 20:01 by ranhothchord
Fixed German solution code

on 23. April 2021, 19:27 by Vyse
The puzzle is not broken, F-Puzzle validates all given constraints and the solution checks out if you can find it.

I wasted a lot of time going on a wild goose chase and had to restart once due to a mistake, but that's on me, not the puzzle.

on 23. April 2021, 18:15 by PotatoHead21
The puzzle is broken. The shape of the palindrome you used does not work in a miracle sudoku.

Last changed on 23. April 2021, 20:03

on 23. April 2021, 17:50 by saskia-daniela
The German solution code says rows 1,2 but it is 1 and 9...
Der deutsche Lösungscode ist falsch, gesucht sind Zeilen 1 und 9...

Sorry about that. It is fixed now. Thank you for pointing it out!
Das tut mir leid. Es ist jetzt behoben. Vielen Dank für den Hinweis!

Rating:83 %
Solved:34 times
Observed:13 times

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