Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 22. April 2021, 02:31 by GrizzledStoat)

Shade some cells such that in every region there is exactly one orthogonally connected collection of cells. This collection is called a stone.

If a region is numbered, that indicates the number of cells shaded in that region.

Shaded cells from different regions cannot touch orthogonally.

If all the stones would be dropped straight down, they would fill the bottom half of the grid precisely with no empty cells.

See example at Nikoli.

Solve this puzzle at puzz.link.

Solution code: How many stones intersect each row from top to bottom (10 digit solution)

Solved by CJK, NikolaZ, PixelPlucker, skywalker, Jesper, jessica6, Zzzyxas, MagnusJosefsson, athin, uvo, ildiko, Mark Sweep, CHalb, misko, moeve, Nylimb, rubbeng, Gotroch, TheZwierz
Full list


on 8. August 2021, 11:14 by uvo_mod
Labels Standardrätsel und Online Solving Tool ergänzt.

Rating:90 %
Solved:19 times
Observed:1 times

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