Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Sushi Restaurant (Sudoku)

(Published on 21. April 2021, 09:29 by Vyse)

Normal Sudoku rules apply.

Palindrome: Numbers on the grey line must give the same sequence in both directions.
Kropki: Numbers next to a white dot must have a difference of one. Numbers next to a black dot must be in a 1:2 ratio. Not all possible dots are given.
Quads: Numbers in circles must appear in the four adjacent cells.
Even: Numbers in cells marked by grey squares must be even.

F-Puzzles Link

Solution code: Column 1, Row 9

Solved by cdwg2000, Uhu, zuzanina, khazimir, LMettrop, sandrokv, skywalker, ranhothchord, karen_birgitta, wilsig, cegie, atomium, Cane_Puzzles, zorant, butch02, kublai, Fedo , JeremyDover, elikap, MavericksJD, ... LeLoyJenkins, Mariella22, Krokant, shea, Kafkapharnaum, Saskia, rey, alaynacrisp, Subbookkeepper, flaemmchen, ParaNox, moss, Omnicole, TylerS, Miaocik, zrbakhtiar, Schesam, PinkNickels, finger
Full list


on 7. August 2021, 14:17 by uvo_mod
Label Online-Solving-Tool ergänzt, außerdem Variantenkombination statt Rätselvariante und Kropki Pairs statt Kropki.

on 22. May 2021, 20:23 by Kafkapharnaum
Hello! I saw you had crafted some puzzles too, so after your effort on mine I felt I definitely owed you a solve!
That was really clever; I did a whole bunch a coloring before I finally figured what was going on, and even then I didn't get it immediately, so it felt harder than 2 stars to me ;-)

on 25. April 2021, 12:01 by MrBeachHut
Nice puzzle! Love the title :-)

on 22. April 2021, 01:53 by Goofy
Really nice puzzle. I liked the interaction between the Palindrome and the Kropki dots.

on 21. April 2021, 19:37 by Big Tiger
Arrgh, I overlooked one stupid little basic sudoku that left me stumped for 10 minutes! Everything else had a nice logic to it.

Rating:81 %
Solved:99 times
Observed:9 times

Variant combination Computer assistance Online solving tool

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