Digital sudoku
(Published on 20. April 2021, 13:03 by Aspartagcus)
Something easier from me this time, should still be fun. :)
- Standard sudoku rules apply.
- Each cell has gray and/or black segments, hinting towards the digital representation of the digit in the cell.
+ The gray segments are possible correct segments.
+ The black segments are given correct segments.
+ Any missing segments are not used in the correct digit representations.
+ The patterns used for the digits are shown below the grid.
Link to solve it online:
This is basically a normal sudoku with given candidates, so if you think this is too cluttered and don't enjoy the part where you have to figure out the candidates, you can go ahead and use this link:
Solution code: Row 6 and column 8
Solved by PjotrV, Cane_Puzzles, henter, Filto, cegie, baracartas, MagnusJosefsson, steelwool, Boondiggle, LuckyNumber8, Konzert, twototenth, jorgenunez, jchan18, skywalker, LeLoyJenkins, fuxia, Maggicrowd, Raistlen, cfop, ManuH, Julianl, leemsa, Crystal Phoenix, soroush, Nairi, NikolaZ, zorant, Genie64, ceevio, claire.laury, mjozska1985, ParaNox, Vebby, saskia-daniela, rads, zrbakhtiar, Schesam
on 7. August 2021, 14:06 by uvo_mod
Label Online-Solving-Tool ergänzt.