Irregular Killer
(Published on 20. April 2021, 12:00 by Quarterthru)
Irregular Killer Sudoku
Irregular Sudoku rules apply
Each region, column, and row must have the digits 1-9
Standard Killer Sudoku Rules apply
Digits in caged areas add up to the number in the upper left corner. And digits can not repeat in cages.
Here is a link to the puzzle on f-puzzles
Solution code: Row 6 + Column 9
Last changed on -
Solved by MavericksJD, SirWoezel, cdwg2000, henter, Nairi, skywalker, baracartas, bedabidi, ranhothchord, cfop, jchan18, wilsig, Konzert, Marcos, Askloomok, fpac, Bobby, twototenth, DiMono, cegie, NC1403, ... adam001, khazimir, minus2ev, 0123coolkid, ManuH, ArchonE, Fedo , zorant, marcmees, thetiredsaint, NikolaZ, Saskia, Maroet, butch02, StefanSch, OGRussHood, apwelho, flaemmchen, fuxia, mezkur7
on 7. August 2021, 13:53 by uvo_mod
Label "Online Solving Tool" ergänzt.