❶ Normal Sudoku rules apply in each of the four 4x4 boxes
❷ Additionally, orthogonally connected cells must not share the same digit. That means that cells next to the solid lines that are separating the 4x4 boxes are further restricted
❸ Further, standard Between, Thermo, Arrow, and Even (grey squares) rules apply
One box requires a special Sudoku solving strategy. If you get stuck please do not use bifurcation and check this link instead: Sudokuwiki.
Puzzle: penpa
Solution code: All digits on the long diagonal, from the lower-left to the upper-right
on 5. August 2021, 20:32 by uvo_mod
Labels ergänzt: Online Solving Tool, Mehrgitterrätsel, Klein, sowie die Varianten Between, Thermo, Arrows, Even/Odd.
on 19. April 2021, 02:18 by panthchesh
Thanks for the puzzle! It was fun :)