Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Any Other Way You Slice It

(Published on 15. April 2021, 22:09 by akaMithos)

"Any Other Way You Slice It"
by akaMithos
f-puzzles link

  • Normal Sudoku rules apply
  • Numbers cannot repeat along the marked major diagonal.
  • Numbers on a minor diagonal must sum to the value of the given clue (little killer sum constraint).
  • Numbers in a cage must sum to the value of the given clue (killer sum constraint).
  • Any groupings of clues that sum to 45 constitute disjoint sets - e.g. little killers and/or cages with clues of 10 and 35 (or 10, 17 and 18) must, together, contain 1 complete copy of the digits 1-9 with no repeat digits.
  • Digits on a thermometer must increase from bulb end to tail.

Solution code: column 8, top to bottom, no spaces

Last changed on on 15. April 2021, 22:32

Solved by jchan18, rimodech, Magnive, universe42, Konzert, apendleton, ogi.djukovic, BlackApolloX, atomium, Julianl, ManuH, henter, zorant, SKORP17, kublai, beesquestionmark, Luetkahans, 0123coolkid, h0_0man, ... ceevio, haveo, textwine, mlkj, matiasv5, jakelevy1, zlotnleo, JohnDoeJersey, NikolaZ, sandmoppe, ScatterBrain, 333sudoku333, apwelho, Crul, bolado, StefanSch, karen_birgitta, zrbakhtiar, mezkur7
Full list


on 17. September 2024, 09:31 by mezkur7
Sudokupad: https://sudokupad.app/6q477nive2

on 12. January 2022, 12:12 by ScatterBrain
The rules are a bit complicated, but the logic path is not too difficult. Thanks for the idea!

on 29. October 2021, 13:50 by StefanSch
Can you explane the disjoint set rule? Does it mean that any orthogonal connected group of 9 Numbers with the sum 45 must contain the numbers 1 to 9?

on 5. August 2021, 13:46 by uvo_mod
Labels angepasst: Online-Solving-Tool, Variantenkombination statt Rätselvariante, Diagonal (Variante), Disjoint Groups (Variante) entfernt, NEU entfernt.

on 16. April 2021, 09:30 by apendleton
The disjoint rule was really neat. Nicely done!

on 16. April 2021, 01:02 by Magnive
Nice puzzle! While I didn't really like the thermos at first, I loved what happened with them! :)

on 15. April 2021, 22:32 by akaMithos
Improved the solution code

Rating:94 %
Solved:39 times
Observed:9 times

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