Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Ouroboros 3: Ouroborocide

(Published on 11. April 2021, 20:43 by MallowTheCloud)

Normal sudoku rules apply. Digits cannot repeat in cages, and digits in a cage must sum to the total in the upper left corner of the cage. For all digits, digit A in position B of box C must match to digit C in position A of box B. Think of each box N as a mini-map of the whole grid, guiding you to the positions of all the digits N in the grid (positions 1-9 in box N map onto boxes 1-9).

Puzzle can be solved at f-puzzles.

A completed, color-coded example 4x4 puzzle can be seen below for reference:

Special thanks to Scott Strosahl and Lucas Emanuel for helping me work through the logic of what I'm calling the "Ouroboros" variant, and to rangsk for help with the theory and with identifying possible solutions.

Solution code: An 18-digit string of values corresponding to column 6, followed by row 3.

Last changed on on 13. April 2021, 08:15

Solved by LMettrop, Arlo Lipof, marcmees, VykkDraygo, Rollo, sandmoppe, KatiBru
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on 17. April 2021, 20:17 by MallowTheCloud
@Rollo: Vielen Dank! Ja, sobald man die Variante besser versteht, wird es einfacher zu sehen, wie man Fortschritte macht. Ich möchte noch herausforderndere Versionen mit Interaktionen zwischen "Killer Cages", "Arrow Sudoku" und mehr erstellen. Entschuldigen Sie mein schlechtes Deutsch, da ich Google Translate verwende.

on 17. April 2021, 14:20 by Rollo
Fantastisch! Nicht leicht zu verstehen, aber wenn man das Prinzip erstmal kapiert hat, kann man sogar diese schwierige Version lösen :-).

on 13. April 2021, 08:15 by MallowTheCloud
Using Google Translate to translate some English in the German description to German.

on 12. April 2021, 00:31 by MallowTheCloud
@Arlo Lipof: Oh, no worries at all! It definitely takes some getting used to, and I had the same initial thought as you did at first! I'm glad you've got it now. ^_^

on 11. April 2021, 22:49 by MallowTheCloud
@Arlo Lipof: That's a great question! Although it's natural to think that there must be nine self-referential cells, one for each box in the grid, that's not actually the case. I thought the same at first! But it turns out, the digit in R9C9 does not have to be a 9, there are other options with this ruleset!

Solved:7 times
Observed:9 times

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