This one is quite hard compared to most thermo sudokus. Good luck and have fun!
Rules: all standard sudoku rules apply. Digits on thermometers are strictly increasing from the bulb to the tip.
This puzzle is also available on f-puzzles
Solution code: Columns 2 and 8
on 19. July 2024, 09:53 by dennischen
Fantastic concept, quite approachable too.
on 2. September 2022, 06:09 by Agent
Another brilliancy!
on 13. May 2022, 12:47 by DVFrank
What an absolutely incredible puzzle! :^)
on 12. May 2022, 18:00 by DiMono
This puzzle was so good I solved it twice: first in 2 1/2 hours kind of floundering around to spot the next steps, and then a second time with knowledge of how a certain cell interacts with a certain box. Second solve took less than 20 minutes.
Fantastic idea and execution. Absolutely a joy to solve. Both times.
on 6. November 2021, 08:19 by Playmaker6174
[Time to revisit this one after failing miserably 6 months ago...]
One of the hardest and most incredible thermo sudokus I've ever solved, took me just over 3 hours total and I was so shocked at how the interactions worked at the beginning. The most perfect way to reach 500th solve on this site, period.
on 8. May 2021, 06:19 by dori_polic
Completely speechless.
on 16. April 2021, 12:07 by Phistomefel
Setting a thermo sudoku on the back of just 2- and 3-cell thermos is quite a feat. And the entry felt to me a bit like a gladiator fight - brutal, but spectacular. Thank you very much for setting this puzzle, emmettcito!
on 15. April 2021, 16:27 by Inanbana
I was trying to see the break-in for few days and finally today I did! This was really beautiful and nicely constructed. Loved it.
on 12. April 2021, 09:33 by PixelPlucker
I'm lost for words. That was amazing.
on 11. April 2021, 22:06 by PulverizingPancake
Fantastically elegant break-in. Loved every minute of the solve!
on 11. April 2021, 15:46 by cdwg2000
Very exciting break-in, the back is very smooth, thanks for sharing!