Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Seeing Doubles Sudoku

(Published on 11. April 2021, 02:46 by JWWJ2525)

Normal Sudoku rules apply.

  • No bifurcation needed.
  • Digits in circles must sum to digits along the connected arrow.
  • Digits must increase from the bulb in thermometers.
  • Digits in solid gray circles (including bulbs) must be odd.
  • Digits on gray lines must form palindromes.
  • Digits in cages must not repeat and must sum to the value in the upper left of the top cells in the cage.
  • Digits along a diagonal must sum to the value in the margin.
  • It's just as important to know where doubles aren't as it is to know where doubles are.
  • If you want to make the puzzle easier, I provide two more given digits after the puzzle below.

Click here to solve online.


  • For an easier version of this puzzle, place a 2 in R1C7 and R9C4.
  • This is the first puzzle I've created, so any and all feedback is appreciated. JWWJ2525

Solution code: Type digits from row 1 and 9 (no spaces).

Last changed on on 14. April 2021, 02:40

Solved by GremlinSA, zorant, SimiC, RootsInWermland, henter, rimodech, NikolaZ, subtize, skywalker, cfop, zhergan
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on 14. April 2021, 02:46 by JWWJ2525
Thanks for trying the puzzle and figuring out my mistake. My apologies for getting rows 8 and 9 confused. I've corrected the instructions.

on 14. April 2021, 02:40 by JWWJ2525
Corrected easier version cell: R9C4 (not R8C4).
Corrected solution code description: Rows 1 and 9 (not 1 and 8).

on 13. April 2021, 13:34 by RootsInWermland
Thanks for fixing the code for this puzzle. I really liked this puzzle. I found it challenging but still doable.

on 13. April 2021, 08:07 by GremlinSA
Working solution code:

Row 1 & Row 9.

on 11. April 2021, 17:59 by SimiC
The solution code is wrong, can you fix it? Nice puzzle!

on 11. April 2021, 13:36 by karen_birgitta
I am quite sure I have a valid solution, but the solution code gets marked wrong. Could you please check that you have written in the right code?

Also, I think you meant to write 6, not 2, when it comes to the two optional extra digits? The puzzle breaks immediately if you place a 2 in those cells

Solved:11 times
Observed:9 times

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