Carnivorous Pansy
(Published on 10. April 2021, 09:22 by PjotrV)
This Sudoku was made by Garford and me. It was supposed to be nice flower, but somehow it became an evil carnivorous flower :)
Colored version:
Non-colored version:
The solve by Mark Goodliffe:
Before you start, I recommend turning off the highlight conflicts in f-puzzles.
Normal Sudoku rules apply. On top of that:
- On the double digit arrows, you must read along the arrow where the first digit is a tenth digit and the second digit is a unit digit, following up by again a tenth digit and a unit digit. See example. Also here all double digits must sum up to the number in its pill. The pill must be read either from left to right or from top to bottom (depending if it is a horizontal or vertical pill).
- On the double digit thermometers, you must read along the thermometer where the first digit is a tenth digit and the second digit is a unit digit, following up by again a tenth digit and a unit digit. See example.
- In the top right corner there are 3 normal thermometers and they increase from the bulb to the end.
In the example you see the pill is reading 56. Going to the right you can read 21 and 35, 21+35=56. In the south you can read 41+15=56. In the south west you can read 28+28=56 and in the north you can read 41+15=56.
In the double digit thermo example you see the bulb is reading 19. The top branch reads 19-21-23. The middle branch reads 19-21-46 and the bottom branch reads 19-36-57. As you can see in all branches the numbers are increasing from the bulb to the end.
Solution code: Column 1 and Row 9
Last changed on -
Solved by geronimo92, rimodech, DiMono, Garford, panthchesh, PrimeWeasel, skywalker, michaal94, cfop, ParaNox, Uhu, Aspartagcus, Vebby, 999ARMEN999, zhergan, SirJefferE, OGRussHood, apwelho, Sewerin, AvonD