Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Übungsrätsel LM-Quali 2021: Pentopia-Myopia II

(Published on 13. April 2021, 20:21 by lupo)

Pentopia: In the diagram, different pentominos (but not necessarily all of them) are to be placed on empty squares so that they do not touch each other, not even diagonally. The pentominos may be rotated and mirrored. The arrows indicate in which direction (horizontal and vertical) the next pentomino field is to be found. If several pentominoes are are equidistant, the field contains arrows in all these directions.

Myopia: A closed path is to be drawn along the dotted lines, whereby not all grid points have to be passed through. The arrows indicate in which direction (horizontal and vertical only) the next edge of the circular path is to be found. If several edges are equidistant, the field contains arrows in all these directions.

Combination: Each clue is either a pentopia or a myopia clue (or both). Each pentomino is to be placed either entirely inside or entirely outside the circuit. It must not touch the circuit orthogonally, but diagonal touching is allowed.

Solution code: The marked lines; the letter if the field is occupied by a pentomino; otherwise O for an inner square, or A for an outer square.

Last changed on on 14. April 2021, 00:48

Solved by Jesper, r45, wuzzle, ibag, xiao01wei, jessica6, CJK, MagnusJosefsson, zer0zaki, Statistica, NikolaZ, Mody, zuzanina, Zzzyxas, tuace, misko, uvo, ChristJan, ffricke, ildiko, dante1, SilBer
Full list


on 22. May 2021, 11:53 by tuace

on 6. May 2021, 10:59 by zuzanina
Sehr schön! Vielen Dank! :-)

on 16. April 2021, 12:15 by Mody
Echt klasse, hab eine Menge gelernt.
Die Spalte 9 ist genial

on 15. April 2021, 08:27 by Statistica
Klasse. Schöne "Fernwirkung" ;-). @jessica6: Wo ist das Problem? Es war doch kein Quali-Rätsel?

on 14. April 2021, 09:02 by ibag
Klasse, wie sich das am Ende aufdröselt!

on 14. April 2021, 07:31 by r45

on 14. April 2021, 00:48 by lupo
Lösungscode korrigiert

Rating:97 %
Solved:22 times
Observed:4 times

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