Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 8. April 2021, 09:30 by Pr0gm4n)

The puzzle is a thermo-killer sudoku.

Normal sudoku rules apply. Digits increase along a thermometer, beginning from the bulb end. Digits in a cage may not repeat and sum to the indicated value.

The T-thermometers consist of 2 overlapping thermometers and thus both have to be respected. They each run in the same direction.

The "+", the "-" and the thin, light grey lines are only cosmetics and are not relevant for the puzzle!

The puzzle is available on f-puzzles! Enjoy!

Solution code: Row 5 and column 9 without spaces.

Last changed on on 18. April 2021, 21:38

Solved by henter, ManuH, Zenryo, GremlinSA, ranhothchord, Nairi, Cane_Puzzles, cfop, MB_Cyclist, NikolaZ, jchan18, morgannamodeaura, zhergan, Julianl, rimodech, mackerel, XeonRisq, leemsa, apendleton, ... Uhu, bbplayer, mattjhussey, Maroet, geronimo92, zlotnleo, Rollo, flumix1902, zorant, derwolf23, louisa, ParaNox, skywalker, Crul, LadyRuatha, Lavernius, SKORP17, zrbakhtiar, Schesam, PinkNickels
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on 18. April 2021, 21:38 by Pr0gm4n
Removed unnecessary extra bulbs now that I know how to start two thermos in the same cell ;-) Thanks @XeonRisq!

on 18. April 2021, 21:33 by Pr0gm4n
Also ich muss schon sagen, dass "R2C2-R2C3 und R2C4-R2C3 [...] zwei weitere" Thermometer sein können finde ich etwas konstruiert, aber dennoch ich mache mich jetzt gerade dran eine eindeutigere Version hochzuladen.

Last changed on 15. April 2021, 23:41

on 15. April 2021, 12:42 by Rollo
Na ja, ich hab's ja geschafft und fand es auch gut.
Ich finde nicht, dass R2C4-R2C3-R2C2-R3C1-R3C2-R3C3 wie ein T aussieht, schon eher R2C2-R3C1-R3C2-R3C3, und das könnten durchaus zwei übereinander liegende Thermometer sein. R2C2-R2C3 und R2C4-R2C3 wären dann zwei weitere.
Ellenlange Kommentare lesen um eine Rätselbeschreibung zu verstehen, finde ich nicht schön.

Last changed on 14. April 2021, 21:32

on 14. April 2021, 21:30 by Pr0gm4n
Das tut mir Leid Rollo, ich sehe die Zweideutigkeit im Text aber nicht gegeben. Wenn man sich überlegt wie 2 überlappende Thermometer die T-Struktur bilden können (oder hier schon mal die Kommentare liest), dann ist R2C2 > R2C3 wohl die einzige Möglichkeit.

Ich bin derzeit im Urlaub und wollte ohnehin eine verbesserte Version ohne die verwirrenden "Extra-Bulbs" posten wenn ich zurück bin. Bitte bis dahin gedulden :)

on 14. April 2021, 18:18 by Rollo
Aus dem Text geht nicht hervor, dass r2c2 > r2c3 sein soll. Das ist schlecht beschrieben. r2c2 < r2c3 ergibt auch ein sinnvolles Sudoku (leider nicht eindeutig), und das hat mich viel Zeit gekostet :-(.

on 9. April 2021, 19:41 by XeonRisq
When you mouse over the Thermometer option in Constraint Tools, the last line says:
Shift click and drag to draw a branching thermometer.
For this puzzle, you'd need to shift click at the bulb for the start of the second one and just turn the different direction at the end.
I tested it and it works fine. But don't make the shapes too confusing, with multiple options that can't be disambiguated, or it will require more instructions or flat out disinterest from the users.

Last changed on 9. April 2021, 17:26

on 9. April 2021, 17:25 by Pr0gm4n
Thanks for your detailed feedback! You're right, there is no real reason for this... other than that I couldn't figure out how to start two thermos in the same cell with this tool. Any idea?

on 9. April 2021, 00:42 by XeonRisq
Like this one as much as the last, and the break in was a bit more obvious due to the severe constraint. But I do have one question, if the thermos share a path and are going in the same direction, what is the purpose of the middle bulbs?

on 8. April 2021, 09:30 by Pr0gm4n
Improved/clarified rule set a bit.

on 8. April 2021, 09:20 by Pr0gm4n
Motivated by my first puzzle on LM yesterday, my "normal" (i.e. non-puzzling) friends begged me for a simpler puzzle to learn. Hence, I tried to create a second, electricity-themed thermo-killer sudoku. Do you agree this one is a bit easier (esp. the break-in) than my 12V Electricity from yesterday?

Have fun solving!

Rating:82 %
Solved:45 times
Observed:9 times

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