Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Übungsrätsel LM-Quali 2021: Magnetschlange I

(Published on 9. April 2021, 20:21 by lupo)

This is a small series of training puzzles I created for the qualification for the LM 2021. Probably I was so motivated because, as one of the authors, I would not have been able to take part in the LM (if it had taken place in regular form) anyway.

Each magnetic plate of the diagram is either neutral (blackened) or charged. Each charged magnetic plate has two poles (+ and -). Two halves with the same poles may not be orthogonally adjacent. The numbers at the left and top indicate how many plus and minus poles are in the corresponding row or column.

A snake must also be drawn into the diagram that does not touch itself, not even diagonally. Each half of the magnetic plates counts as a field, which may or may not be occupied by the snake. The numbers on the right and below indicate how many fields of the respective row or column belong to the snake.

In addition, the following applies: The snake may pass through at most two loaded magnetic plate halves just behind.

Solution code: The marked rows; X if the cell is occupied by the snake; otherwise + and - for plus and minus, N for neutral.

Last changed on -

Solved by Jesper, ibag, ManuH, CJK, marcmees, xiao01wei, cdwg2000, r45, zuzanina, jessica6, Mody, moss, Zzzyxas, AnnaTh, Statistica, Uhu, Luigi, skywalker, Mark Sweep, NikolaZ, misko, zorant, ffricke, polar, ildiko, SilBer
Full list


on 11. April 2021, 15:12 by Statistica
Klein, aber OHO!

on 10. April 2021, 17:41 by Mody
Gar nicht so furchterregend, diese Schlange ;)

Last changed on 10. April 2021, 10:11

on 10. April 2021, 06:39 by r45
Vielen Dank für das erfrischend schöne Rätsel. Gerne mehr davon.

Rating:90 %
Solved:26 times
Observed:8 times

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