Rules: Normal sudoku rules apply and all symbols are either greater than or less than signs.
Solution code: Row 7
on 7. April 2021, 20:47 by geronimo92
You were not targeted by the comments, but SOME (not ALL) new creators dont respect rules or flood.... even when we ask politely, so after weeks then months without any regulation it is time to understand that we need more time to solve puzzles... more than 10 new puzzles per day is really not a good thing.... sorry if some peole still work during the week and have other things to do, not everyone can stay home to work all the time..... if people want to share more new creations they have the CTC discord server to do it but not everywhere at the same time...
Thanks for all people who will understand that point
Panthera: I guess what I don't understand is why you are making that point to me?? I've uploaded 3 puzzles, and not nearly on consecutive days. I understand I'm a new puzzle creator, but I've been on this site for a while now, and all I've ever seen you do is attack people.
And one more thing -- I'm not a stay at home mom like you are trying to suggest. I'm a woman who works hard. I have a Ph.D in math, and I would appreciate you watch what you try to imply with me!
on 7. April 2021, 10:07 by Dandelo
I think it would be sufficient to use 'sudoku' and 'variant', maybe 'computer generated' and 'arithmetic'. They have a symbol and are listed in German and English. The problem is that the labels in the last 1.5 years have been used in a completely other way than intended. You got the pent-up anger there. If in doubt, don't use new labels.
But I agree that if you use the 'sudoku' and the 'variant' label, there is absolutely no need for a 'sudoku variant' label.
Panthera: They did not complain about the labels -- they complained about the tags -- those you have to write in. But thanks for the comment and I agree, they both need to take up boxing or something and have a different outlet for their aggressions than to attack new creators.
on 7. April 2021, 06:07 by panthchesh
Changed the tags to just English
on 7. April 2021, 00:15 by geronimo92
@Rollo : it is like if you asked some setters not to publish new puzzles every day, they just cant stop.....
Panthera: I've published 3 puzzles on this site in a week and a day. (My first puzzle was exactly 1 week ago). So that's putting me at 2 a week. Is that too much for you to handle? I'm trying to follow the rules on the site, and it specifically asks us to use GERMAN keywords, but does not list them out for us.
on 7. April 2021, 00:13 by Rollo
Bitte, bitte, bitte erzeugt doch nicht ständig neue überflüssige Stichwörter! :-(
Panthera: I tried to use the ones that are out there -- they said to use the German words, so I used a translator.