I hope you enjoy the interactions between these two common variants :)
Rules: all standard sudoku rules apply. Digits on thermometers are strictly increasing from the bulb to the tip. Digits on diagonals marked with a number must sum to that number and may repeat.
This puzzle is also available on f-puzzles
Solution code: Columns 5 and 6
on 7. May 2022, 05:46 by Phistomefel
This is an absolutely marvellous puzzle and goes right into my favorite list. Thanks for setting this gem, emmettcito!
on 4. April 2021, 08:08 by cdwg2000
Very nice break-in!
—Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed it and had the patience to check your mistake 4 times until it was fixed! I don’t think I would be patient enough to persevere that long.
on 4. April 2021, 05:46 by PixelPlucker
Very elegant break-in and midgame. Felt super fresh and rewarding to find :)