6x6 Chaos Construction: Boundary N-Sums (墨子)
(Published on 27. April 2021, 01:00 by SudokuExplorer)
This chaos construction puzzle is inspired by Hong Weihua's (真笑) lovely
墨子 chaos construction. It is highly recommended to try that 6x6 puzzle first. The link also has a 4x4 example which you can also have a look at.
1. Divide the grid into six regions, each containing six cells.
2. Each row, column and region contains the digits 1 to 6.
3. A clue outside the grid is the
sum of the first N digits in the row/column from that direction.
N is the
number of boundary edges in that row/column.
You can try this on
Penpa+ (answer check works with green boundary edges). Enjoy!
Solution code: In reading order (left to right in the row, from the topmost row to the bottommost row of the region), the contents of the irregular region where cell R4C2 is located, and then the contents of the irregular region where cell R3C4 is located.
Last changed on on 27. April 2021, 14:57
Solved by cdwg2000, Bobby, Dina, NikolaZ, MagnusJosefsson, marcmees, ranhothchord, Speed tuna, Jesper, Skyler, CaneloC, Storm, Swood, harrison, smckinley, TimE, Mark Sweep, AnnaTh, polar, Mody, Vebby, misko, Franjo, RyanDuarte56, Uhu, ManuH, steeto
on 27. April 2021, 23:54 by CaneloC
It was awesome how the regions disambiguate the grid!
on 27. April 2021, 15:41 by Speed tuna
Wow.awesome puzzle
on 27. April 2021, 14:57 by SudokuExplorer
Increased difficulty because the logic to determine regions is tricky.
on 27. April 2021, 07:01 by Dina
Tough puzzle! I'm surprised by how much logic there was in such a little puzzle. Thanks!
on 27. April 2021, 02:20 by cdwg2000
After filling in most of the numbers, it is really troublesome to divide the area, thank you for sharing!