Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Desert Roundtrip Sudoku

(Published on 28. March 2021, 23:01 by Zilvarro)

An explorer (green cell) visits the Sudoku-Desert. Luckily, there are statues (all numbers except 5) showing the way and one is right where he is. He follows the way the statue is facing (1=north-west, 2=north,... see picture) until he reaches the next statue, then he continues in the direction that one is facing, and so on. Miraculously he never crosses his own way, traverses all nine oases (5s) and finally ends up reaching the exact same spot where he started.

The goal is to solve the Sudoku and find the path taken by the explorer.

F-Puzzles, (contains version of rules without story)

As this is my first time setting a Sudoku I would appreciate feedback and comments.

Solution code: Sixth row of the solution

Solved by LMettrop, rimodech, Vebby
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on 8. June 2021, 13:44 by Vebby
Wow, this was brilliant! Amazing puzzle for a first time setter, Zilvarro. Very creative rule-set, both challenging and fun. While initially apprehensive, I enjoyed it a lot once I found the break-in and made a little headway.

on 29. March 2021, 18:09 by Zilvarro
@MrBrain: Yeah, the break in is quite tricky. [HINTS] First, from only the rules themselves you should work out that some of the 5s will be quite restricted in how they can be passed. Then one area of the grid allows you to deduce the orientation of the loop. This knowledge can then be used to place the first few digits in another area.

on 29. March 2021, 15:50 by MrBrain
I understand the rules fine. It's just that I didn't get very far with the solve. I was able to make some deductions at the start, but was not sure how to narrow the possibilities further. I see someone solved it, so I think this is probably a very nice puzzle, and a nice idea.

on 29. March 2021, 09:12 by Zilvarro
@henrypijames Both visiting the same cell twice and diagonal crossings are forbidden. There is a more technical version of the rules on the F-Puzzles Link, I did not want to bloat the post with two versions of the rules. You are right that an example would help clarify this.

Last changed on 29. March 2021, 08:58

on 29. March 2021, 08:44 by henrypijames
What does "cross his own way" mean? Never visit the same cell twice (except the starting cell) or is the X-shaped twice-diagonal crossing also forbidden?

I think rules generally need to be technical in order to be precise - and the desire to present a nice, poetic narrative sometimes gets in the way of that. To solve this problem, the rules might need to stated twice - once in the narrative-oriented flowery language, then once again with cold, abstract, technical precision.

And a complete new ruleset would almost always benefit greatly from a concrete, visual example outlining what the rules demand and (more importantly) forbid.

on 29. March 2021, 07:10 by Zilvarro
@henrypijames Yes, every numbers except 5 is a staue, though not all of them will be on the path. Yes, the explorer usually changes direction every cell unless passing through a 5 (keeps previous direction) or when multiple consecutive cells on the path have the same number (only possible when moving diagonally due to sudoku rules).

Last changed on 29. March 2021, 08:47

on 29. March 2021, 05:44 by henrypijames
All numbers except 5s are statues? So the explorer mostly just move one single cell?

Also, what kind of dessert is packed full of statues? It's experiencing more construction than the Stone Henge! ;)

Solved:3 times
Observed:10 times

Puzzle variant New Path puzzle

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