Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Wichtel 2020 (3): Wichtel beim Glühwein

(Published on 10. April 2021, 00:22 by wichtel)

To Christmas 2020 some eager puzzlefriends have again arranged a group in which everybody had to make anonymously a puzzle for someone else. These puzzles are now presented one after the other here in the portal.

The chief gnome commissioned his gnomes for Japanese Sums, Kakuro, and Kropki to collaborate on a puzzle. Primarily it was the Japanese Sums gnome and the Kakuro gnome who worked together while the Kropki gnome prepared the mulled wine. (And good mulled wine must repeatedly be tasted.)

When the chief gnome looked upon the result, he first had to scratch his head. "Oh, I understand. In the center is a Kakuro. The divided cells are Kakuro clue cells. In every non-clue cell the digits 1-9 are to be distributed so that every row and column contains exactly one of each." He took another large gulp of mulled wine and continued to ponder. "Clue cells contain clues, when they point to a non-clue cell, otherwise they are shaded cells." The Kakuro gnome nodded eagerly and the chief gnome took another drink of the mulled wine. "The Japanese Sums are there too. Very good. Clues are on the outside, though the Kakuro clue cells are counted as well." Another sip of wine. "Same letters stand for the same digits (0-9). But oh – it's possible that digits can be cryptified more than once or not at all. Very clever," he praised the Japanese Sums gnome and took yet another drink while glancing at the Kropki gnome. "So what about the dots now?" The Kropki gnome was relieved to see that the chief gnome seemed to have failed to notice the dots were not always quite perfectly centered – what a difference a little mulled wine makes! – and declared with a giggle: "I've varied those a little bit. A black circle means that the neighboring digits stand in a ratio of 1 to 7. And a white circle means that the two digits have a difference of 7. No circle means that neither attribute is true." – "Ah, well done, thank you. To all three of you!" said the chief gnome, and allowed all three gnomes, as well as himself, to take a second cup of mulled wine.

Solution code: Row 3 and column 8, only the non-clue cells (for a total of 18 digits)

Last changed on -

Solved by Jesper, Zzzyxas, r45, Nensche777, CJK, ibag, Mody, AnnaTh, CaGr, ManuH, cornuto, tuace, Lara Croft, ffricke, Uhu, polar, zuzanina, CHalb, Myxo, Errorandy
Full list


on 24. January 2023, 13:30 by wichtel
Korrigiertes Diagramm, corrected diagram.

Big SORRY, PLEASE APOLOGIZE to all, who have tried in vain. Myxo hat völlig Recht.

Der Oberwichtel hat mit seinen drei Wichteln beim Testlösen vermutlich zu tief in den Glühwein geschaut und den Punkt übersehen.

on 20. January 2023, 15:55 by Myxo
Das Rätsel ist fehlerhaft, es fehlt ein schwarzer Kropki in Spalte 1 (zwischen Zeile 8 und dem oberen Kakuro-Hinweisfeld in Zeile 9). Leider hat mich dieser Fehler viele Stunden gekostet.

The puzzle is broken, there is a missing black kropki in column 1 (between row 8 and the upper Kakuro-clue in row 9). Sadly this mistake cost me a lot of hours.

Last changed on 11. November 2021, 16:20

on 11. November 2021, 16:19 by CHalb
Das ist ja irre! Da steckte für mich sehr viel tolles ungewohntes Lösegefühl drin. Ich hab innerlich Frau Mahlzahn gehört: Rrrätslerrr müssen lerrrnen! Und: Wenigerrr ist oft mehrrr (in meinem Fall z.B. Rätsel nicht zu groß ausdrucken).
Ganz toller Lösungsweg, großes Kino, vielen Dank!

on 24. October 2021, 18:06 by zuzanina
Superschön!! Vielen Dank an den Wichtel!

on 6. May 2021, 14:31 by Lara Croft
Hm, Glühwein im Mai. Perfekt ;-)
Ganz tolles Rätsel. Danke dafür!

on 18. April 2021, 09:21 by AnnaTh
Tolles Rätsel! Tolle Kombi aus mehreren Lieblingsrätselarten. Allerdings habe ich mich mehrmals verheddert.

on 14. April 2021, 17:49 by Mody
Was für ein Gigant ;)

on 13. April 2021, 11:28 by ibag
Hui, daran hatte ich sehr lange (und sehr viel) Spaß!

on 11. April 2021, 11:41 by r45
Ich weiß gar nicht, was ich sagen soll und meine Sinne sind nicht vom Glühwein vernebelt. ;-) Oberklasse das Rätsel mit einem klaren Lösungsweg. Man weiß eigentlich immer, wo es weitergeht. Ziehe gleich mehrfach den Hut, bravo.

Rating:99 %
Solved:20 times
Observed:3 times

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