Solution code: row 8, followed by column 8.
on 5. April 2021, 03:19 by gjchangmu
add sudoku tag
on 18. March 2021, 22:21 by MrBrain
I was about 3/4 complete when my browser reset, and I lost my progress. I was enjoying the puzzle up until that point.
on 17. March 2021, 18:31 by panthchesh
Thanks for the puzzle! It was fun! :)
on 17. March 2021, 15:04 by marcmees
on 17. March 2021, 13:32 by steelwool
Link to solve on F-puzzles:
on 17. March 2021, 13:28 by gjchangmu
zhergan thank you for playing.
on 17. March 2021, 11:31 by zhergan
It includes so much fun. Thanks:)
on 17. March 2021, 10:00 by gjchangmu
Wow, I noticed that this website became super active after my last puzzle! Then why not participate with a few more puzzles for fun? :D