Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Star Python 2 (Star Battle Snake Sudoku Hybrid)

(Published on 16. March 2021, 18:56 by peterchayward)

Solve on F-Puzzles

Normal Sudoku rules apply.

Additionally, the digits 1 and 9 may not be within a king's move of themselves or each other.

The final grid will contain a 1-width python, beginning at the given 1. Each 1 and 9 in the grid will be part of the python. The python may not touch itself orthogonally or diagonally.

Numbers in purple squares show how many of its 8 surrounding squares are python. Purple squares cannot be python. Not all possible purple squares are given.

This one has a relatively tricky break-in. If you struggle to get started, try: [treating it purely as a star battle (with 1's and 9's as stars) at first, before even starting on the snake or sudoku.]

Visit my website for print-friendly and colorblind accessible versions of all my puzzles.

Solution code: Middle row, left to right.

Solved by Godrick, PetLov, Jesper, LKegel, Krokant, BMEP, MagnusJosefsson, juhish, JonnyKaufman, kublai, Elliott810, NikolaZ, LurkingFrog, marcmees, smckinley, zlotnleo, juventino188, Quarterthru, panthchesh, ... dagwosh, cfop, athin, Mody, Jaych, michaal94, Uhu, starelev5, tinounou, KNT, Guaste, Nordy, Tajgero, zhergan, penguin137, lars, OGRussHood, apwelho, QuiltyAsCharged, PippoForte, Calesch, dogfarts
Full list


on 23. June 2024, 01:09 by QuiltyAsCharged
Great puzzle, quite a tricky python! SudokuPad version: https://sudokupad.app/2zkv34dblg

on 4. March 2022, 23:08 by Nordy
The most amazing part of this puzzle is that someone rated it less than "very nice." Whoever you are, please recommend me some puzzles, because they must be otherworldly!

In all seriousness, this puzzle is extremely nice. Thank you for setting this masterpiece!

on 19. March 2021, 08:59 by marcmees
fantastic puzzle

on 17. March 2021, 20:39 by Megy
This puzzle helped me learn how to solve Star Battle. Awesome puzzle.

on 17. March 2021, 15:04 by JonnyKaufman
WOW. Absolutely incredible puzzle. Thank you!

on 17. March 2021, 09:20 by MagnusJosefsson
Great puzzle!

on 17. March 2021, 00:38 by BMEP
Oh wow! That's truly an awesome puzzle!

on 16. March 2021, 23:56 by Krokant
I'm normally not the biggest fan of snakes, but your starry pythons are a lot of fun. :)

Rating:99 %
Solved:56 times
Observed:8 times

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