Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Haisu - Schezo's Birthday

(Published on 16. March 2021, 12:00 by athin)

Rules of Haisu:
  • Draw a path from S to G passing through all white cells exactly once by connecting the centres of adjacent cells.
  • When the path passes over a number N, it is on its N-th entry to the region which contains it.

The standard Haisu rules apply. However, all question marks should be replaced by the same number. This number must be deducted by the solver.

This puzzle celebrates the birthday of my favorite game character, Schezo Wegey, on March 16! :)

Solution code: For every row from top to bottom enter the number of cells with a bend in the loop. Only use the last digit for two-digits number.

Last changed on -

Solved by cdwg2000, H1324851344, Jesper, Nusi, Eggr, MagnusJosefsson, CJK, NikolaZ, moss, rimodech, jessica6, Zzzyxas, ildiko, misko, Mark Sweep, Dandelo
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on 30. March 2021, 21:01 by jessica6

Last changed on 16. March 2021, 13:20

on 16. March 2021, 12:51 by cdwg2000
The number 98 is a black grid, and the question mark is the same number,


Rating:96 %
Solved:16 times
Observed:9 times

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