Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Star Python (Star Battle Snake Sudoku Hybrid)

(Published on 10. March 2021, 02:39 by peterchayward)

Solve on F-Puzzles

Normal Sudoku rules apply.

Additionally, the digits 1 and 9 may not be within a king's move of themselves or each other.

The final grid will contain a 1-width python, beginning and ending at the given 9s. Each 1 and 9 in the grid will be part of the python. The python may not touch itself orthogonally or diagonally.

Numbers in purple squares show how many of its 8 surrounding squares are python. Purple squares cannot be python. All possible purple squares are given.

Visit my website for print-friendly and colorblind accessible versions of all my puzzles.

Solution code: Middle row, left-to-right.

Solved by Elliott810, Cane_Puzzles, bigger, cdwg2000, TonyN, marcmees, chippers, saskia-daniela, ssaper, cfop, Nothere, Arashdeep Singh, Jesper, Rollo, JeremyDover, Messiaen, kublai, BarginsGalore, ... Doziam, Buchi, Tajgero, kapowchi, vmirandaa, pipedreambomb, Gwyn, Autuumn, ako, guihori, ildiko, zrbakhtiar, Fizz, Raistlen, MaNCS, rav, QuiltyAsCharged, sinamon, Calesch, PippoForte, dogfarts
Full list


on 22. June 2024, 19:58 by QuiltyAsCharged
Very nice puzzle, not too difficult and yet interesting to solve. Here's a SudokuPad version: https://sudokupad.app/elgfu1773m

Last changed on 4. April 2021, 10:30

on 4. April 2021, 10:29 by peterchayward
@ManuH: Purple squares cannot be python!

@Orpheus: Please, be my guest! :)

on 15. March 2021, 17:05 by Orpheus
This was lovely. Thanks for setting such a fun and interesting puzzle. I feel like this ruleset could produce additional puzzles... I may try my hand at one if you don't mind!!

Last changed on 11. March 2021, 20:32

on 11. March 2021, 20:31 by cam
A puzzle with this many rules usually suffers from the rules acting independently. But not with this puzzle--the logic works together really nicely :) If anyone is put off by the length of the ruleset or the low difficulty rating, please give this puzzle a try. It's really elegant and fun.

on 11. March 2021, 14:10 by Eloi.blok
My first snake finished, just between difficult and easy for me! Thanks for your time making it :-)

Last changed on 10. March 2021, 20:25

on 10. March 2021, 20:24 by Rollo
Sehr hübsch und angenehm leicht :-), obwohl ich dreimal neu anfangen musste :-(.

Rating:94 %
Solved:89 times
Observed:11 times

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