Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Hybrid-Sudoku: CTC reaches milestone of 333K subscribers

(Published on 7. March 2021, 21:50 by olima)

Background: This hybrid sudoku is yet another tribute in order to celebrate the reaching of the 333.000 YouTube subscribers milestone by CtC. It came out as a not too difficult sudoku with some nice interactions between the different rules/variants.

Normal sudoku rules apply, and digits on thermos increase from the bulb. Coloured lines are palindromes, and digits along an arrow sum to the 2-digit number in the pill. Zeroes show the sum of digits between the 1 and the 9 in that row. 33 and 3 show the sum of digits on the indicated diagonal, which can include repeats.

In case someone needs a hint to solve it: This sudoku was featured as the bonus puzzle in this YouTube-video of CtC

Solve it online on f-puzzles or the CtC-Web-App.

Solution code: Rows 1 and 5

Solved by NikolaZ, skywalker, Greg, DanyMoreira60, michaal94, geronimo92, karen_birgitta, Kimyee, bigger, Kigor, MorganFreeee, SimiC, Uhu, samuella, PetLov, tinounou, amirbeirat, MartinR, Fedo , piotr357, ... galgamer, le bonhomme, jchan18, ManuH, cfop, zorant, bob, apwelho, zhergan, Zzzyxas, fca.felix.sudoku, flaemmchen, OGRussHood, ScienceNerd2240, Kekes, Katchoo, tretro, zrbakhtiar, finger, m_busuttil
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Rating:89 %
Solved:59 times
Observed:15 times

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