Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Ntelwenden 1

(Published on 5. March 2021, 18:30 by jannisw)

Draw a closed path from point to point, which meets each point exactly once and doesn't intersect itself. The two numbers at each point indicate the slope of the path in one direction. The slope is either given relative to the x-axis or y-axis (either in the negative or positive direction), such that it always lies between 0 and 1. The axact calculation of the hints/slopes works as follows:
  • If the next point is x cells in one and y in the other coordinate direction, then the clue is calculated as x/y or y/x wherein the bigger number is chosen to be the numerator. (e.g. 1/2 always represents a classic knight move)
  • The first of both clue numbers is always the smaller one.
  • A question mark indicates an arbitrary rational number.
  • If no explicit clue is given at a point it implicitly has "?,?" as its clue.
Here you can see all possible lines for the clues 0,1 and 1/2. Clues like 1/3, 2/5 etc. work analogously.
And here the actual puzzle grid:

Link for online solving.
Image for the solution code:

Solution code: For each row (the space between the points) the amount of times the path passed through it i.e. the number of intersections of the path with the red lines in the above picture from top to bottom.

Last changed on on 12. March 2021, 22:56

Solved by CJK, Zzzyxas, Dandelo, jessica6, Eggr, rimodech, uvo, adam001, ildiko, Toastbrot
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on 12. March 2021, 22:53 by jannisw
Klarifizierung "Steigung"

on 12. March 2021, 22:41 by Dandelo
The rules were absolutely clear, not easy to understand, but correct. The only point is the word 'slope' (Steigung in German). It is not the mathematical definition. Maybe one should replace it.

For me the rules were absolutely ok, after I've removed the word slope in my head and accepted that a vertical line is 0.

Last changed on 12. March 2021, 22:45

on 12. March 2021, 20:50 by Eggr
My trouble wasn't with the rule clarity, but wrapping my head around the "greater than", "less than" properties of if a '?' was before or after the clue. The lowest slope is the shortest path, but the highest slope is the second shortest path ... very confusing.

I think it would be more intuitive to use the taxi-cab distance to the next point instead of slope fractions.
0 = TC1
1 = TC2
1/2 = TC3
1/3 = TC4
1/4 = TC5
2/3 = TC5

The clues and logic would end up being very similar, although not identical, to your current rules, and I presume it would be easier to follow.

@Eggr I think the problem here is that one likes to think about this in terms of distance when it inherintly isn't about distances at all. The numbers indicate how steep a given line is (with respect to either coordinate axis). In this terms it shouldn't be too surprising that lines become longer the more "complicated" the fractions get and vice versa. I like the idea of taking the taxi cap distance but, as you have already said, it would make it into a different puzzle (in this case it wouldn't have a unique solution anymore).

on 12. March 2021, 20:11 by jannisw
Bild zur Erläuterung der Regeln hinzugefügt.

on 11. March 2021, 12:52 by Dandelo
Für beide Wegstücke, die an dem Punkt enden, die "Steigung", nach Größe sortiert.
Steigung bezieht sich hier immer auf die nächstgelegene Waagrechte oder Senkrechte.

Man könnte auch sagen: Der Tangens des kleinsten Winkels, den das Wegstück mit einer waagrechten oder senkrechten Gerade einschließt.

Aber besser wäre es, eine Skizze einzufügen, denke ich.

on 11. March 2021, 12:26 by CHalb
Frage zum zweiten Satz der Anleitung: Die beiden Zahlen an einem Punkt geben die Steigung des Weges in JE eine Richtung an, richtig?

on 5. March 2021, 23:12 by jannisw
Ja das mit dem Name ist tatsächlich etwas unglücklich. Wenn jemand einen Vorschlag für einen passenderen Namen hat nur her damit :).

on 5. March 2021, 20:41 by Dandelo
Man muss sich erst mal zurechtfinden, aber dann ist es ein schönes Rätsel. Und eine schöne Idee.

Der Name ist etwas unglücklich, finde ich, denn Achtelwenden bezieht sich ja auf den Winkel zwischen den Wegstücken (Wenden) und du gibst Steigungen an. Aber es ist schwer einen passenderen Namen zu finden...

Solved:10 times
Observed:5 times

Puzzle variant New Path puzzle

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