Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Position Sums mit Pfeilen, "Air Opossum"

(Published on 24. February 2021, 06:00 by glum_hippo)

Fill the grid with digits 1 to 9 so that each row, column and 3x3 box contains each digit exactly once.

Digits in the first and second cell from the top and from the left are A and B. Clues outside the grid tell something about A and B: The clue closest to the grid gives the sum of A and B. The sum of the digits on positions A and B from that side is given in the clue in the grey bar.

EXAMPLE: the digits sequence 841627935 has A=8 and B=4, so A+B will be 12, and the sum of the 8th and the 4th (Ath plus Bth) digit is 3+6 = 9.

The number/digit in a circle constitutes the sum of the numbers/digits along each connected arrow. Digits/numbers may repeat along an arrow.

The puzzle can be solved in Penpa+ here. Automatic answer checking only works if you also enter all of the clue values along the edge.

Sudokupad version here. (No answer check since 2-digit numbers cannot be entered)

Solution code: Row 8, then column 5 (18 digits total)

Last changed on on 5. February 2024, 19:45

Solved by bigger, Jesper, Realshaggy, marcmees, Mark Sweep, PixelPlucker, henrypijames, polar, MagnusJosefsson, Statistica, LurkingFrog, NikolaZ, ffricke, Vebby, h5663454, SXH, NEWS, zhangjinyang, jinkela114514, cdwg2000, mayiyang, Sewerin, Richard
Full list


on 26. December 2024, 06:24 by Richard
Wow! That was quite a journey that brought me to the edge of my solving skills. Excellent puzzle!

on 26. August 2024, 14:28 by jinkela114514
Sudokupad version now also has answer check if you fill in all the digits (from 1~9) both in the sudoku grid and the outer clues.

on 5. February 2024, 19:45 by glum_hippo
Updated solve link.

on 17. February 2022, 14:24 by Vebby
Mind-boggling in the best possible way, a treat to solve!

on 14. September 2021, 16:43 by glum_hippo
added online solving tool tag

on 28. July 2021, 09:44 by ffricke
Wieder ein super schöner Lösungsweg !

on 27. February 2021, 12:12 by Statistica
Ganz klasse!

on 26. February 2021, 09:03 by MagnusJosefsson
Wow! That was awesome! Several memorable moments seemingly stuck before realizing the next step. Very enjoyable!

on 25. February 2021, 16:12 by henrypijames
Gosh, that entry was lang and hard - super intertwined, hats off to the author.

on 25. February 2021, 09:53 by PixelPlucker
Position Sums puzzles be like "hippoty hoppoty, your afternoon is now my property"

Challenging and fun as always :)

on 24. February 2021, 14:37 by marcmees
very very nice. thanks

Last changed on 24. February 2021, 15:32

on 24. February 2021, 10:28 by bigger
Nice. What's next? Between line or thermo.

— I am taking a break from Position Sums for now. I have a new Average Arrow puzzle in progress. - g_h

Rating:98 %
Solved:23 times
Observed:11 times

Puzzle variant Online solving tool Arithmetic puzzle

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