Solution code: Last row, last column
on 16. October 2023, 22:34 by Piatato
Lovely! I agree with cam, this one really isn't near 5/5 at all. Good fun!
on 29. April 2023, 21:50 by Carolin
on 25. February 2021, 07:05 by theParad0x
Incredible. Very fun logic til the very end, really enjoyed this.
on 24. February 2021, 05:40 by cam
You never know what you're going to get with a 5 star puzzle. This one wasn't too bad. I honestly think it's more of a 3 star puzzle. No individual step is very challenging. There are just a lot of steps.
on 23. February 2021, 02:31 by glum_hippo
I really enjoyed this, but if I say why I will ruin it for others.
on 22. February 2021, 09:35 by ogi.djukovic
How excited I am whenever I see you publish new puzzle. You never cease to amaze me. Thank you for existing, Phistomefel. Anyway I do agree personally with comment down below, this is more 4 stars then 5 stars difficulty.
@ogi.djukovic: Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback! :)
on 22. February 2021, 02:24 by bigger
@SudokuExplorer thanks, done.
on 21. February 2021, 19:53 by SudokuExplorer
@phistomefel: Thanks for another lovely puzzle! :-)
@bigger: You might also enjoy Qodec's Embraced Arrows Sudoku (id=0004O5) and RSP's Thermocouples Sudoku (id=0003X5)
on 21. February 2021, 15:35 by Phistomefel
Thank you for your kind words, Fedo and Eloi.blok!
on 21. February 2021, 15:34 by Phistomefel
Changed difficulty.
on 21. February 2021, 15:13 by Eloi.blok
The first puzzle I m able to finish made from you, tks!!
on 21. February 2021, 14:03 by Phistomefel
Updated description. Thanks to kuzmoyev.
on 21. February 2021, 13:47 by Fedo
I enjoyed it alot! Thank you!