In December 2020 there was a logic puzzle advent calender on These puzzles have been uploaded to the puzzle portal in the last weeks.
Regeln: At the end of this series, there is a mix of three puzzles: Slitherlink, Masyu and Yajilin. We want to draw in a closed loop that goes horizontally and vertically from cell to cell with the following constraints:
A number in a circle indicates, how many of the 4 neighboured possible edges are used from the loop: One can think of this as a slightly moved Slitherlink, where the loop does not lie on the edges of the grid, but inbetween the cells instead.
The loop goes through all white and black circles with no number: In cells with a black circle, the loop makes a 90° turn and goes straight through the cells before and after. In cells with a white circle, the loop goes straight through and makes a 90° turn in at least one of the cells before or after.
The loop does not go through any grey colored cell. Apart from these cells, all cells where the loop does not go through are colored black. Black cells cannot touch orthogonally (diagonally is allowed). The numbers in grey cells indicate, how many black cells lie in the corresponding direction.
Solution code: The number of black cells outside the loop, followed by the diagonal from top left to bottom right, followed by the diagonal from top right to bottom left: L for a corner, I for a straight segment and X for a cell with no part of the loop.
on 22. October 2024, 01:48 by Christounet
Phew, that solution code...
Excellent puzzle. Thanks :)
New solving link :
on 18. February 2022, 23:44 by Krokant
Im Mittelfeld hat es bei mir ganz schön gehakt, aber irgendwie ging es immer weiter. Tolle Kombi.
on 17. October 2021, 12:36 by CJK
@sf2l: The slitherlink clues do not tell how many of the neighbouring cells are used (this would also violate the yajilin rules, because no two black cells are allowed to be next to each other), but how many of the four possible neighbouring lines between cells will be used.
If you shift the grid half a cell in both directions, these clues work exactly as standard slitherlink clues would do.
on 16. October 2021, 17:44 by sf2l
perhaps I make confusion with the rules of "slitherlink". My understanding is that a number 1 in a white circle means that only one of the four cells it covers is used by the loop. but it does not work with the example R17C12, if the black masyu circle is the only cell used of the four (R16-17 C12-13) the loop will go vertically down and will die in there because in all exits a minimum number of 2 cells will be used. Can someone clarify the matter for me?
on 16. October 2021, 13:29 by Dotty
Really nice and not so hard
on 25. July 2021, 13:09 by CJK
Labels den neuen Regeln angepasst
on 5. June 2021, 09:46 by tuace
Toller Abschluss des sehr schönen Kalenders :)
on 2. March 2021, 23:52 by jessica6
Eines der schönsten Rätsel im Portal!
on 2. March 2021, 22:41 by CJK
Masyu-Regeln leicht geändert
on 2. March 2021, 20:24 by jessica6
Muß es nicht beim Masyu / schwarzer Kreis "im Feld davor und danach geradeaus" statt "in den beiden Feldern davor und danach geradeaus" heißen? Weil letzters würde ja eigentlich bedeuten, daß der schwarze Kreis ein "L" ist und davor und danach je zwei "I" folgen.
@jessica6: Streng genommen hast du wohl recht, wird geändert (auch wenn ich nicht glaube, dass das bei irgendwem zu Problemen geführt hat, da das ja Standard-Masyu-Regeln sind)
Edit: Gerade WEIL es die Standardregeln sind. Wenn man das wie eine U-Bahn sieht, könnte man denken, daß nach dem Knick (Ecke) jeweils zwei Geradenstücke kommen. Gemeint sind aber Geraden, die (mindestens) bis zum zweiten Feld nach dem Kreis gehen.
on 23. February 2021, 16:47 by Mark Sweep
Great combination of puzzle genres. It was a lot of fun to solve!
on 21. February 2021, 23:27 by skywalker
Excellent finale! Really nice combination
on 21. February 2021, 10:19 by CJK
Lösungscode klargestellt/
Solution code clarified
on 21. February 2021, 09:51 by cdwg2000
A huge challenge, the combination of several puzzle types is very good, thank you!
on 21. February 2021, 04:22 by Realshaggy
Ganz großes Rätselkino! Da waren ein paar ganz schöne Brocken dabei.
on 20. February 2021, 19:56 by r45
Vielen Dank für diese tolle Rätselrunde, hat viel Spaß gemacht.
on 20. February 2021, 18:48 by rimodech
a very nice combination. thanks!