Little thermo killer arrow sudoku
(Published on 20. February 2021, 02:27 by Anticodon)
SUDOKU RULES: Fill the grid with digits 1 to 9, so that each digit occurs exactly once in every row, every column and every 3x3 box.
KILLER SUDOKU: Numbers given at the corner of each colored cage indicate the sum of all digits inside the cage. No digit may be repeated within a cage.
THERMO SUDOKU: The digits in the thermometers must be strictly increasing in each cell from the bulb/reservoir to the end.
ARROW SUDOKU: Digits in a circle should equal the sum of all digits on the arrow leaving that circle. Two cell circles should be read from left to right (e.g. 1-3 = thirteen). Digits may repeat along an arrow.
LITTLE KILLER SUDOKU: Little killer clues outside the grid indicate the sum of the digits along the diagonal. Digits may repeat along the diagonal.
Solution code: Row 9
Last changed on on 20. February 2021, 03:40
Solved by Greg, rimodech, PseudoCoup, zhergan, skywalker, DamnedLight, panthchesh, misko, zorant, sandmoppe, marsigel, NikolaZ, t12345678, Julianl, GD20, flaemmchen, jorgenunez, geronimo92, ManuH, lutzreimer, RealyFluffy, moss, Raistlen, starelev5, ParaNox, saskia-daniela, cdwg2000, Crul, zrbakhtiar, SKORP17, Saskia, PinkNickels, Carolin
on 5. November 2023, 01:47 by PinkNickels
No link?
on 22. February 2023, 18:13 by zrbakhtiar
LK 67 clue is not used
on 22. February 2021, 03:22 by panthchesh
Thanks for the sudoku, it's easy and fun :)
on 20. February 2021, 02:32 by Anticodon
First attempt at making a sudoku. Let me know what you think!