Sympathetic Fives
a sudoku were fives are sympathetic
1. Normal sudoku rules apply.
2. Each main diagonal must include all numbers (from 1 to 9).
3. Gray square are even numbers.
4. "W" mean the two cells either sum to 5 or 10.
5. Numbers outside the grid (little killer) indicate the sum of numbers in the arrow direction - numbers can repeat in the sum.
6. Numbers on arrows must sum to the total in the circle.
- numbers can't repeat in the sum.
- and each circle must have a different number.
7. The gray lines are broken thermometer
(numbers must either increase or decrease from the bulb end).
► Play Link: Play Link
► The Puzzle:
► Author: Dani Checkered Duck.
► Date: 19/02/2021.
► Did you enjoy the Sympathetic Fives?
let me know in the comments :)
Solution code:
Enter Row 1 and Row 9. (no spaces)
on 24. July 2022, 21:07 by checkered_duck_dani
updated the image