Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 15. February 2021, 22:29 by Ryx)

What do you get when you mix Yahtzee® and Sudoku? Yahtz-sudok-ee!

For those unfamiliar with Yahtzee®, it is a dice game similar to the German game of Kniffel, but played with 5 dice instead of 3. You can learn more about it, and its rules, here: Yahtzee rules

The rules of Yahtz-sudok-ee are these:

I take my five dice and roll away, playing a nearly normal game of Yahtzee® and fill out my Yahtz-sudok-ee scorecard (see below). Then you fill in the Yellow, Grey and Purple cells in the Sudoku puzzle, using the dice rolled for the various scores on the scorecard, in the following manner:

  • Yellow and Purple cells: digits are placed along the indicated top-left to bottom-right diagonals, each representing placement of one of the dice from the scores in the upper section of the scorecard (1s, 2s, ... 6s).
  • Grey and Purple cells: digits are placed along the indicated top-right to bottom-left diagonals, each representing placement of one of the dice from scores in the lower section of the scorecard (3 of a kind, Large Straight, ... Chance).
  • Purple cells act as both Yellow and Grey cells. You may think of it as the intersection of two clues, one from the upper section and one from the lower section, that share the same number.

All dice required or used in the scoring of a given row on the scorecard are highlighted in the puzzle, along a diagonal. Determining which rows from the scorecard match up with which diagonals is really your first order of business. Remember, the rows from the upper section of the scorecard are placed along the diagonals pointing down to the right (i.e. r1c1 to r9c9). The rows from the lower section of the scorecard are placed along the diagonals pointing down to the left (i.e. r1c9 to r9c1).

The above rules are assuming you are playing using the F-puzzles link. If you are playing using the Penpa link, then Yellow = cells with an upper dot, Grey = cells with a lower dot, Purple = cells with both upper and lower dots.

Given the Yahtz-sudok-ee rules and scorecard above:

  • Normal Sudoku rules apply
  • Thermometers clues: digits must increase starting from the bulbous end
  • Little Killer clues (arrows outside the grid with a number): digits along the indicated diagonal must total to that number. Digits may be repeated
  • Chance, from the lower section of the scorecard, is both a Little Killer clue and a Yahtz-sudok-ee clue.
  • The Small Straight (4 numbers in a row) and Large Straight (five numbers in a row), in the puzzle solve, do not need to be in sequence.
  • Full House: three of one kind and two of another kind (i.e. three 6s and two 1s)

Sudoku puzzle on F-Puzzles

Sudoku puzzle on penpa edit

Link to image showing answer to MrBrain's post

Solution code: Digits from row 5 then column 5

Last changed on on 20. March 2021, 22:43

Solved by MrBrain
Full list


on 20. March 2021, 22:43 by Ryx
Corrected puzzle image (thanks MrBrain!)

Korrigiertes Rätselbild (Danke MrBrain!)

Last changed on 20. March 2021, 22:23

on 20. March 2021, 22:12 by MrBrain
Woo hoo! I solved it! Fantastic puzzle! I enjoyed it a lot. (It helps that I also love Yahtzee.) I think if you fix the diagram, showing R9C3 as grey, you'll get a lot more people solving and enjoying this one too. Thank you!

Ryx: You are most welcome! Thank you for solving! I thought it might take a Yahtzee lover to tackle this one.

I am so sorry, I missed that coloring earlier and corrected it in the linked versions, forgot to update the image here. I will do that today.

on 20. March 2021, 21:19 by MrBrain
Thank you! R9C3 is grey. Got it!

on 20. March 2021, 21:01 by Ryx
MrBrain: Ich bin verwirrt von den Diagonalen für den unteren Abschnitt. Mit Ausnahme der Kleinen Geraden (die 4 Würfel für die Wertung benötigt), benötigen alle anderen alle 5 Würfel für die Wertung. Dennoch gibt es zwei Diagonalen, die nach links unten zeigen und nur 4 graue/lila Felder haben. Hilfe?

Ryx: Zunächst einmal vielen Dank, dass Sie mein Rätsel versucht haben! Zweitens: Ich verstehe, dass es eine Menge zu tun gibt. Ich selbst bin auch ein paar Mal beim Lösen des Rätsels gestolpert, also verstehe ich es vollkommen. Ich habe einen Link zu einem Bild hinzugefügt, das die Diagonalen zeigt, die mit dem "unteren" Abschnitt verbunden sind. Wenn Sie weitere Fragen haben, schießen Sie los ;-)

Vielen Dank!

p.s. Ich habe wirklich damit gerungen, wie ich diese Zellen bezeichnen soll, vor allem, wenn sie 3 Zustände haben (verwendet für "obere" Diagonalen, verwendet für "untere" Diagonalen, verwendet für beide). Wenn jemand einen besseren Vorschlag hat, würde ich ihn gerne hören.

on 20. March 2021, 20:52 by Ryx
Added link to image, in answer to MrBrain's post

Link zum Bild hinzugefügt, als Antwort auf MrBrains Beitrag

Last changed on 20. March 2021, 21:00

on 20. March 2021, 20:34 by MrBrain
I am confused by the diagonals for the lower section. Except for Small Straight (requiring 4 dice for scoring), all of the others require all 5 dice for scoring. Yet there are two diagonals pointing down to the left with only 4 grey/purple cells. Help?

@ MrBrain - First off, thanks for attempting my puzzle! Second, I get it, there is a lot going on. I myself got tripped up a couple times when solving it as well, so I totally understand. I've added a link to an image that shows the diagonals associated with the lower section. If you have further questions, fire away ;-)


p.s. I really wrestled with how to designate those cells, especially when they are 3 states (used for "upper" diagonals, used for "lower" diagonals, used for both). If anyone has a better suggestion, I would love to hear it.

on 20. February 2021, 02:10 by Ryx
Updated f-puzzle link

on 19. February 2021, 16:24 by Ryx
Realized I had a mistake in "scoring" and negative constraint. Changed 3 of a Kind to Four of a Kind.

Ich habe festgestellt, dass ich einen Fehler beim "Scoring" und der negativen Einschränkung hatte. Änderte 3 von einer Arte in 4 von einer Arte.

on 19. February 2021, 05:20 by Ryx
Corrected image (was missing grey colored square in row 3 column 9) and puzzle link for penpa

Korrigiertes Bild (es fehlte ein graues Quadrat in Zeile 3 Spalte 9) und Rätsellink für penpa

Solved:1 times
Observed:11 times

Puzzle variant Computer assistance

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