Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Antiknights fighting Arrows

(Published on 13. February 2021, 22:45 by Puzzle-Elch)

  • Irregular 8x8 Sudoku: the digits 1-8 must appear exactly once in every row, column and region
  • Cells a knights move apart cannot contain the same digit
  • Digits along an arrow add up to digit in the circle
  • Cells marked with an X do not repeat digits

Link to F-Puzzles

Paper and pencil could help finishing the Puzzle.
Have Fun solving!

Solution code: Row 1

Last changed on on 14. February 2021, 16:24

Solved by zhergan, Ken Duna, polar, MartinR, NikolaZ, Dandelo, ChaoticGoose, bigger, MagnusJosefsson, SudokuExplorer, kuzmoyev, ManuH, DamnedLight, achim-t, Luigi, NC1403, TonyN, MalkoMann2, saskia-daniela, Wood_Working, marcmees, Selsted, rimodech, ala, IvanZ59, zorant, Raistlen, ParaNox, KatiBru, PinkNickels, cdwg2000, Drawoon, Nairi, TJReds, Crul, flaemmchen, zrbakhtiar, Miaocik, jgarber
Full list


Last changed on 27. July 2022, 20:07

on 27. July 2022, 20:06 by PinkNickels
Brilliant puzzle, but much more difficult for me, given my colorblindness, so i had to go through very carefully! Took just under 20 minutes but managed to not screw it up. The break-in was very satisfying. Thanks for posting. I had to use the black color even, which ended up being the double 4 that made r4c5 = 8.

on 15. February 2021, 21:35 by Puzzle-Elch
Thanks MagnusJosefsson,
Obviously I underestimated the solvers. I rated the puzzle by the effort it took me creating. At least it was enjoyable :-)

on 15. February 2021, 15:21 by MagnusJosefsson
Nice original puzzle! Not that difficult though, certainly not four stars in my opinion.

on 14. February 2021, 16:24 by Puzzle-Elch
Geburtstags Grüße hinzugefügt

on 14. February 2021, 09:25 by Puzzle-Elch
Thanks Ken and Zhergan!

I spend so much time in eliminating redundant arrows, that I was not sure if I had gone too far.
But then I saw the correct code from Zhergan.

I'm glad that you both enjoyed the puzzle, despite my mistake.

on 14. February 2021, 09:02 by zhergan
Nice puzzle! Enjoyable solve..

on 14. February 2021, 09:00 by Puzzle-Elch
Fixed Typo (too many chars) in the solution code!

Damn browser auto-fill ;o(
I should not activate my puzzles in the middle of the night.

Last changed on 14. February 2021, 02:24

on 14. February 2021, 02:15 by Ken Duna
It seems that the solution code you entered is incorrect. I have a valid solution to the puzzle, but it says my solution code is wrong.

Other than that, it was a nice, straightforward solve.

on 13. February 2021, 22:51 by Puzzle-Elch
Fixed F_Puzzle Link

on 13. February 2021, 22:48 by Puzzle-Elch
Renamed Puzzle

Rating:80 %
Solved:39 times
Observed:12 times

Puzzle variant Arithmetic puzzle

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