Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Tag 21 - Yajilin

(Published on 13. February 2021, 18:50 by CJK)

In December 2020 there was a logic puzzle advent calender on mathebau.rocks. These puzzles will be uploaded to the puzzle portal in the next weeks.

21. Dezember - Yajilin

Rules: Place some black cells in the diagram such that every arrow points to the corresponding number of black cells. Black cells cannot touch horizontally or vertically. Draw a closed loop through all empty cells, which goes horizontally and vertically from cell to cell. Not every black cell has to have an arrow pointing on it.

Link for online solving

Solution code: Column 4 and 15 (top to bottom): X for a black cell, L for a turn in the loop, I (capital i) for a straight loop segment

Last changed on on 25. July 2021, 13:08

Solved by Matt, Thomster, karzym, Hunsudoku2019, ManuH, skywalker, cdwg2000, Jesper, saskia-daniela, moss, Alex, bernhard, ildiko, baracartas, Zzzyxas, NikolaZ, Lizzy01, Realshaggy, athin, r45, CHalb, Greg, ... Krokant, adam001, p the menace, cdowell, EKBM, cici0729, Gommald, wunder108, hopppe, RobertBe, Reinier, Mittag, KNT, Gotroch, puzzler05, jkuo7, Christounet, redfoot, TheZwierz, garganega
Full list


on 25. July 2021, 13:08 by CJK
Labels den neuen Regeln angepasst

Rating:94 %
Solved:69 times
Observed:8 times

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