Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

The Unibrow

(Published on 13. February 2021, 01:36 by clayfanatic)

I tried to make a puzzle look like a man with a unibrow. This was my first puzzle, so apologies if this ends in frustration for the solvers out there. This took me 40 minutes to solve. Good luck! Feedback is appreciated. Also, I apparently don't know how to format this text, nor insert the picture of the sudoku in the box...

Standard Sudoku rules apply, numbers on the thermometer must increase from the bulb, numbers must sum to the killer cage totals, numbers on the line must fall in-between the end circles.

f-puzzles link

Solution code: row 3:

Last changed on on 13. February 2021, 01:55

Solved by cfop, jchan18, Greg, MB_Cyclist, leemsa, PseudoCoup, baracartas, fuxia, Uhu, HolyFracker, ManuH, Fedo , skywalker, dade, SimiC, Thomster, loscpi, Nothere, sgreveling, amirbeirat, TheDerbySaint, ... marsigel, wadallat, shoreline, PinkNickels, cdwg2000, JSmoove1099, Sarl3k, metacom, zrbakhtiar, Carolin, lutzreimer, Jordan Timm, Crul, josemadre, Kekes, 333sudoku333, pepe74287, drf93, latters176
Full list


on 18. January 2022, 22:19 by PinkNickels
Took 11:17, rather easy, but a great puzzle, especially for the first one (shoot, I've never set a puzzle!). Thank you for sharing. Would agree that the 18 cage is not needed, but that's just quibbling a bit.

on 14. February 2021, 23:16 by Ryx
Nice job on your first puzzle! I don't think I have seen the "between" rule used before, so that was new to me.

I will have to give that one a try sometime.

on 13. February 2021, 20:00 by wentel21
nice puzzle!

Last changed on 13. February 2021, 14:41

on 13. February 2021, 14:41 by TheDerbySaint
One of my quickest solves in under 20 minutes, perfect for beginners like myself

on 13. February 2021, 13:21 by geronimo92
Nice first one, done in 6 minutes perfect :)

Last changed on 13. February 2021, 06:34

on 13. February 2021, 06:34 by fuxia
Good first puzzle. Thank you. :) Some notes: Try to add givens only when they are needed for disambiguation. For example the 18-cage in row 9 isn't needed. The CTC Discord fan server - https://discord.gg/BbN89j5 - has a room where you can ask testers for feedback. People are very friendly and helpful over there, use that opportunity!

on 13. February 2021, 05:59 by baracartas
This puzzle was a breeze! Definitely amazing for a first puzzle.

on 13. February 2021, 01:55 by clayfanatic
I added the image of the puzzle and tried to make paragraphs.

on 13. February 2021, 01:40 by clayfanatic
Changed Text Description.

Rating:82 %
Solved:104 times
Observed:12 times

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