In December 2020 there was a logic puzzle advent calender on These puzzles will be uploaded to the puzzle portal in the next weeks.
Rules: Blacken in some cells a triangle that covers half of that cell. All not blackened connected areas should form rectangles. A number indicates, how many of its (up to 4) orthagonally neighboured cells contain a black triangle.
Notice: The puzzle was changed a bit (compared to the original on to obtain uniqueness.
Solution code: Areas of white rectangles that lie at least partially in row 5 (left to right). For the area of a rectangle, each whole cell does count as 1 and each half cell as 1/2. After that, the same for row 15.
on 25. July 2021, 13:08 by CJK
Labels den neuen Regeln angepasst
on 11. February 2021, 21:00 by CJK
Lösungscode leicht geändert
on 11. February 2021, 19:19 by Dandelo
Hab die Datei vom Adventskalender nicht gefunden, hat aber auch beim 2. Mal Spaß gemacht.
on 11. February 2021, 19:16 by Dandelo
Statt Größen solltest du lieber Flächen schreiben. Oder Flächeninhalt.
@Dandelo: Gute Idee, ist geändert, danke :)
on 11. February 2021, 18:17 by CJK
solution code clarified/
Lösungscode verdeutlicht