- Normal sudoku rules apply.
- Grey squares indicate even digits, grey circles indicate odd digits.
- Digits on an arrow sum to the digit in the circle at the beginning of the arrow, digits may repeat on the arrow.
The puzzle is also available on F-Puzzles. Have fun solving!
Solution code: 5th row and 5th column
on 6. March 2021, 09:38 by Mr.Menace
fixed another html error
on 6. March 2021, 08:40 by Mr.Menace
fixed an html error
on 14. February 2021, 06:05 by cam
Cool puzzle! Thanks :)
on 13. February 2021, 00:24 by baracartas
very nice one! really enjoyed it! also, idk if that last bit of logic with the 1's and 3's was supposed to happen in your intended sudoku path, but it was amazing nonetheless
on 10. February 2021, 21:51 by JonnyKaufman
Really enjoyed this one, thanks!
@JonnyKaufman glad you enjoyed it!