Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Sudoku Pills for the Devil

(Published on 9. February 2021, 11:28 by Narayana)


  1. Normal Sudoku rules apply (place the digits from 1 to 9 in every row, column, and 3x3 block).
  2. Nonconsecutive rules apply (orthogonally adjacent cells cannot contain consecutive integers).
  3. Arrow Sudoku rules apply (digits along an arrow must sum to the two digit number on its pill. Digits on a pill are read from top to bottom).
Clarification: every arrow has 3 digits on the tail and 2 digits on the pill. The colors are there simply to avoid confusion between arrows.

Play it on f-puzzles.

Solution code: Row 9 followed by Column 9 (18 digits total).

Solved by GremlinSA, SKORP17, rimodech, loscpi, marcmees, NikolaZ, bigger, Phistomefel, PetLov, abed hawila, damasosos92, geronimo92
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on 9. February 2021, 11:39 by Narayana

As always I welcome your feedback of any kind.

I hope this puzzle is enjoyable at least at the beginning.

Thank you for your time.

on 9. February 2021, 11:32 by Narayana
Ich werde die Hilfe deutscher Muttersprachler bei der Korrektur von Grammatikfehlern sehr schätzen. Jede andere Art von Feedback ist ebenfalls willkommen.

Solved:12 times
Observed:12 times

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