Sudoku Pills for the Devil
(Published on 9. February 2021, 11:28 by Narayana)
- Normal Sudoku rules apply (place the digits from 1 to 9 in every row, column, and 3x3 block).
- Nonconsecutive rules apply (orthogonally adjacent cells cannot contain consecutive integers).
- Arrow Sudoku rules apply (digits along an arrow must sum to the two digit number on its pill. Digits on a pill are read from top to bottom).
Clarification: every arrow has 3 digits on the tail and 2 digits on the pill. The colors are there simply to avoid confusion between arrows.
Play it on f-puzzles.
Solution code: Row 9 followed by Column 9 (18 digits total).
Solved by GremlinSA, SKORP17, rimodech, loscpi, marcmees, NikolaZ, bigger, Phistomefel, PetLov, abed hawila, damasosos92, geronimo92
on 9. February 2021, 11:39 by Narayana
As always I welcome your feedback of any kind.
I hope this puzzle is enjoyable at least at the beginning.
Thank you for your time.
on 9. February 2021, 11:32 by Narayana
Ich werde die Hilfe deutscher Muttersprachler bei der Korrektur von Grammatikfehlern sehr schätzen. Jede andere Art von Feedback ist ebenfalls willkommen.