Solution code: Row 9
on 11. February 2021, 16:29 by Phistomefel
The normal version was a real pleasure to solve. Thank you, LucyAudrin!
on 8. February 2021, 05:05 by jorgenunez
Great fun. I've solved it before you uploaded the variation, assuming that was I thought was right. It was challenging for me (I'm not a great solver). Thanks!
Edit: I won't try the harder version. It's too much for me. But based on what I see, the beginning is the same.
on 8. February 2021, 04:45 by LucyAudrin
Added arrow-only version of the puzzle
on 8. February 2021, 04:38 by LucyAudrin
@EliasKar You're probably right, this version is a little easier, here's a variation with only arrows:
on 8. February 2021, 03:57 by jorgenunez
I have a doubt. The vertical arrow in box 5 sums to the circle in box 5 or 9? I'm guessing it's 9, but I'm not sure.
on 8. February 2021, 03:30 by emmettcito
@glum_hippo ah I see. I might actually be able to complete this challenge so I am going to attempt it
Edit: Added 3 arrows and it's already unsolvable. I can see why phistomefel was having so much trouble with this.
on 8. February 2021, 03:13 by glum_hippo
@emmettcito - Simon Anthony of 'Cracking the Cryptic' mentioned that Phistomefel had sent an email relating his dissatisfaction at being unable to set a good nonconsecutive arrow sudoku. It seems that he also said anyone who DID manage to create one was deserving of admiration.
on 8. February 2021, 01:55 by emmettcito
What was Phistomefel's challenge?
on 8. February 2021, 01:28 by EliasKar
Fun puzzle, thanks for sharing! However, I feel that using such a strong additional rule doesn't really complete Phistomefel's challenge!