Winter is coming.
The White Walkers are attacking from the North and have broken through the Ice Wall. White dots are kropki clues: digits separated by a white dot are consecutive. All possible white kropki clues within the first two rows are given.
Meanwhile, the 7 Kingdoms battle for the Iron Throne. Normal Irregular Sudoku, Killer and Little Killer rules apply. Digits separated by X must sum to 10, and digits separated by V must sum to 5, but not all Xs and Vs are given.
Link to solve on f-puzzles:
As featured on Cracking The Cryptic on YouTube:
Solution code: Row 9 from left to right (9 digits, with no spaces)
on 7. February 2021, 22:09 by polmanpoppins
Thank you brandon_bot - now updated
on 7. February 2021, 22:08 by polmanpoppins
f-puzzles link updated
on 7. February 2021, 21:29 by brandon_bot
f-puzzles link needs to be prefixed with https://. It's a relative link currently.