Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Position Sums (Odd-even coded)

(Published on 5. February 2021, 12:00 by Realshaggy)

Fill the grid with digits 1 to 9 so that each row, column and 3x3 box contains each digit exactly once.
Digits in the first and second cell from the top and from the left are A and B. Clues outside the grid tell something about A and B: The clue closest to the grid gives the sum of A and B. The sum of the digits on positions A and B from that side is given in the clue in the grey bar.
Odd digits in clues have been replaced by O, even digits by E. (E can be 0.)


Solution code: Row 5, column 8.

Last changed on on 30. August 2021, 02:24

Solved by Mark Sweep, glum_hippo, Sktx, ibag, NikolaZ, marcmees, Jesper, bigger, polar, r45, Nityant5, henrypijames, zuzanina, Phistomefel, cdwg2000, philb, Mody, PixelPlucker, Statistica, tinounou, ffricke, euklid, Storm, MagnusJosefsson, juventino188, sandmoppe, geronimo92, thinkingalaud, cfop, Krokant, Uhu, zorant, ManuH, michaal94, AnnaTh, ildiko, misko, Vebby, zhergan, OGRussHood, h5663454, SXH
Full list


on 30. August 2021, 02:24 by Realshaggy
Revised labels.

on 10. August 2021, 21:46 by uvo_mod
Label "Even/Odd-Krypto" ergänzt.

on 22. June 2021, 08:38 by AnnaTh
Endlich gabe ich Zeit gefunden, dieses Rätsel anzugehen. Und wie erwartet war es fantastisch. Tolles, kniffliges Ding!

on 25. February 2021, 16:30 by Realshaggy
Tag added.

on 10. February 2021, 15:45 by Statistica
Ganz toll!

on 9. February 2021, 11:58 by Mody
Erstaunlich wie sich nur mit "gerade" und "ungerade" alles logisch ergeben hat.
Tolle Konstruktion :)

on 7. February 2021, 18:49 by philb
Took me 4 attempts but worth it!

on 6. February 2021, 06:43 by r45
Ein Genuss!

on 5. February 2021, 22:48 by Jesper
Great puzzle! Very enjoyable.

on 5. February 2021, 20:30 by marcmees
very nice. Thanks.

on 5. February 2021, 19:12 by ibag
Wow!!! So machen Sudokus Spaß!

on 5. February 2021, 13:04 by Mark Sweep
Amazing puzzle! Challenging throughout, but still quite smooth.

Rating:98 %
Solved:42 times
Observed:11 times

Puzzle variant Online solving tool Even/Odd coded puzzle

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