In December 2020 there was a logic puzzle advent calender on These puzzles will be uploaded to the puzzle portal in the next weeks.
Rules: Connect the circles with bridges, such that every circle is reachable from every other. Bridges are build horizontally or vertically and cannot cross each other or go over other circles. Between two circles, there are at most two bridges. A number on a circle indicates how many outgoing bridges from this circle are there alltogether.
Solution code: For each column (left to right) the number of vertical double bridges (each double bridge counts as 1). Skip columns without vertical double bridges (i.e. do not enter zeros)
on 7. April 2023, 02:38 by hopppe
Hab den Lösungscode 10 mal falsch eingegeben, weil eine fiese Doppelbrücke sehr kurz ist...
on 6. September 2021, 23:40 by XoZu
I hate this solution code...
on 25. July 2021, 13:05 by CJK
Labels den neuen Regeln angepasst
on 4. February 2021, 11:27 by CJK
Solution code clarified/
Lösungscode klarifiziert
on 4. February 2021, 11:18 by r45
@ManuH: Spalten ohne Doppelbrücken sind beim Lösungscode zu ignorieren, keine 0 verwenden.
on 4. February 2021, 10:55 by ManuH
Was bedeutet "Überspringe die Spalten ohne senkrechte Doppelbrücken? Keine Nullen eingeben?
on 4. February 2021, 09:06 by cdwg2000
Excuse me: Is the vertical single bridge (no bridge) replaced by 0? Double bridges are counted as "1" or "2", thank you!
@cdwg2000: Double bridges are counted as 1, and you can ignore all single bridges for the solution code. Also, you can ignore all columns without any double bridge (i.e. not enter 0s)
on 4. February 2021, 00:22 by CJK
Changed "horizontal" to "vertical" in english solution code